Don’t be ridiculous. You already imply that Apple will be manufacturing the car. If it’s an Apple car, even an authorized dealer would not be able to replace the windshield.
Don’t be ridiculous. You already imply that Apple will be manufacturing the car. If it’s an Apple car, even an authorized dealer would not be able to replace the windshield.
The amount of political bumper stickers (regardless of political leanings) is directly proportional to the nuttiness of the owner/driver. No one purposely shits up their vehicle with this crap unless there is an agenda.
That isn’t as direct of an argument as you think. In the 70's, people not making much money either bought a shitty car or didn’t buy one at all. Now they buy nice ones on 90 month loans or whatever.
Or it might have something to do w/interest rates being stuck at 0%
Didn’t you dipshits post this two years ago? Great journalism...
To do that would be to teach people not to be reliant on government. We will never see that unless we elect Libertarians on a large scale.
My brother has a Jeep of Theseus. The only remaining items from the “82 CJ7 Jeep he bought are: the rear seat, the grill, and I think the hood. Everything else has been replaced. Is it still the same Jeep?
Probably find 3 of them made out of pieces of the original
The VESC was also somewhat of a looker.
Its greatest safety feature is it’s ugliness, nobody wants to be with a mile of that thing.
You could have spent a couple grand on a solution to the Mazda mirror issue. Instead... one hour of your time, a bit of thought, and a buck and change for scrap metal. I don’t think you’d be wanted in Lexus engineering with that type of attitude.
It goes without saying that this is sooooooo fucked up. Didn’t obey my command? In his own apartment? That you invaded? That’s some next level bullshit right there.
A 15-hour shift? Holy shit, that’s insane. Police unions love those crazy 10+ hour shifts because they enable officers to live 100 miles from where they work and come in at odd hours to avoid traffic (and have time to work second jobs, even though big-city cops are grossly overpaid in this country relative to the…
Hey Michael - what’s the basis for asserting that recent price increases (no where near record) are due to low levels of reserves when known reserves continue to climb?
Ballaban, check your facts...
I can’t recall the exact article. But it was a few years ago. The Jez article was similar to this one. It was about woman who falsely accused a man of rape. When the option of civil suit was brought up by one comment, sure ‘nuf, the crowd immediately went on the pounch.
On the Autobahn, people actually do that as a form of suicide. They call them Geisterfahrer or “Ghost Drivers,” who intentionally go max speed in the wrong direction to end it for themselves (and random innocent bystanders).
Yebbut it's too late for that, isn't it? The trick is profiting from the koolaid drinkers without consuming any yourself. That can be difficult.