Miles Archer

And they were already paying dirt for a company that took in $3.3B in 2017. It took the major makers a long 10+ years, but once they have EV vehicles that match Tesla’s range, this company will be squashed like a bug. Someone like Toyota or Ford will straight up buy Tesla.

profit is obviously not what motivates us

Translation: We are giving your jobs new titles in order to pay the new people less.

Applies to MA, even worse for CT right now.

If shown a proper chart they would see all the useless non-productive and grossly overpaid government jobs that are taking very large percentages of the taxes they pay for salaries and pensions right off the top before any of the things they want are even considered. I doubt it is just Illinois....

If shown a proper chart they would see all the useless non-productive and grossly overpaid government jobs that are taking very large percentages of the taxes they pay for salaries and pensions right off the top before any of the things they want are even considered. I doubt it is just Illinois....

The Pinto is a classic case of a lie being told enough times that it becomes “truth”.

When ABS became standard, it didn’t result in better crash-avoidance numbers. Drivers would exploit the safety factor and drive accordingly.

Spend a summer on a motorcycle and you will damn near be able to predict the future. Bad/good/texting/yelling at kids I can spot them 5 moves ahead.

Let’s be honest for a second; banning disposable plastic straws is nothing more than virtue signaling at it’s most idiotic. It accomplishes nothing, irritates everyone, and is literally based solely on the made-up statistics put out by a 9-year old.

It’s been kind of funny when I am bicycling and pull out ahead (due to paying better attention to the light mostly). Some dufus, engine roaring in response to guy on a bicycle. Ok, cool man, you beat a bicyclist with a car.

I’ve read enough stories about motorcyclists getting hit and killed while the driver gets a ticket that I’m pretty sure that’s the best way to legally murder someone. But you’re right that a bicycle is even better.

It’s disgusting. If I wrote horror stories, I’d write one about a serial killer whose method is running people over. I’d have him get caught multiple times with barely any penalty, so he could keep on with the killings. I think I’d have him die in a crash or something because sure as hell the cops wouldn’t be the ones

The problem is we have cars and motorcycles that do that super easily, which isn’t particularly fun. I mean FFS you can exceed every speed limit in the country on an S1000RR in first gear.

Banning plastic straws is one of those environmental policies that sounds like a good idea, but is really just window dressing that makes some people feel better while doing basically nothing (and I mean, almost literally, nothing) to help the environment.

80 year old book that was written as a warning that still remains true to this day.

Yeah, sounds like a great way to deplete the world’s cobalt supply even quicker, and leave us with a toxic waste crisis of unprecedented proportions. It’s always a good idea to institute vast, society-wide changes that can impact the environment and the economy in world-changing ways on a whim.

The goal of roads is not to have zero fatalities; their goal is to move vehicles efficiently and safely when used legally. Killing efficiency everywhere in the name of saving lives from rare accidents is a terrible kind of dystopia I don’t want live in.

“you guys made millions in profit and still suck!”-wall street /s

and for long range commuters you charge at work as well