All the stars! That is an excellent point. Henry II catered to women whining about the big ‘71-’73 Mustang (which was the desire of an executive hired away from GM) so we ended up with the Mustang ii.
All the stars! That is an excellent point. Henry II catered to women whining about the big ‘71-’73 Mustang (which was the desire of an executive hired away from GM) so we ended up with the Mustang ii.
Ladies, you want cars that you like, start building them. That’s how it works. Men start building cars the way they want them and then manufacturers follow along. For instance my second new car I could buy from Ford with almost everything I put into my first new car. The manufacturers follow where money is going. If…
I consider C&D the gateway to much of how I see things today.
The current owners of C&D must be scared or something. With over done safety, robot cars, electric road going appliances, automobile bans and more it’s a target rich environment too.
“But the number of ads that are embedded have killed my interest”
Some things never change. C&D parodied that back in April ‘89 with a mini magazine in the center called “Moto Rooter”. The auto of the year was the Trabant and every other page a Trabant ad.
What made them irrelevant is that all the good writers are dead, retired, or kept in a closet somewhere only to be let out when well edited.
C&D has lost both its humor and its political edge.
Indeed so. The EPA has basically made it economically unfeasible to operate the mines to obtain the rare earths electric cars need in the USA. The environmental damage has been transferred to China and other places. Speaking of China, Obama’s deal with China on CO2 says all that needs to be said. Basically the “deal” a…
Random spray painted yellow will probably not do what yellow lights are for. But it appears specific shades are okay. BTW What you need to search for is “selective yellow”.
But their placement isn’t so great. For me on one car dirt slowly builds up in the 1/4 panel drops and it has to be cleaned out every few years and in another car the frame of one of the vents allowed water into the 1/4 panel drop. Had to seal the frame against the body with RTV to stop that.
In other words you don’t have a clue about the subject. You just parrot what teacher, in this case the media tells you. What your priests tell you. You don’t know where any of what you are looking at comes from, you simply believe.
“So quibble all you want about the number of angels that are dancing on the head of the…
First, if its 50 years old it’s not from the 1980s. I specified the 1980s because that’s what the article points to. Math apparently isn’t your strong suit.
Second, you should try reading the paper the article cites yourself and also understand that plot Forbes offers as proof of its correctness contains a warming…
Go ahead and find me any prediction by any leading climate “scientist” that came true. Hansen is the high priest of global warming so I picked him for an example. Neither he nor his fellow travelers have been correct.
It’s not hot now. It was hot briefly in the mid 1990s and it was hot a summer or two in the 1950s…
Every single “climate change” prediction of the 1980s of any significance worth remembering was WRONG.
Government in its purest form on display.
But dust is far far far far less destructive than salty slush or even plain water.
The rattling can be easily minimized with some foam lining or other clever storage techniques. What would be more concerning is the eventual slush intrusion in the winter. Maybe eventual water intrusion. For warm and dry weather climates it would be fine.
The black (or dark grey) plastic is often polypropylene which can even be welded back together if it cracks. (melt plastic with a heat source, add more, from the back side of course) A little attention to detail and it will be difficult to tell anything ever happened.
that’s what I was getting at, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the first attempt wasn’t in the 1930s or even earlier.
The pollution problem is generally a problem of the government not protecting property rights. It is another area where people are deliberately taught wrongly. In the USA there were property rights and some vestiges of them even today. As a result polluters were sued very early on. The government courts however…