Miles Archer

You really think you’re smarter than all scientists? You’re that full of yourself?

Once again, someone argues that authority is to be believed because they are authority. My knowledge of science, how to apply it, and how to handle data comes from formal education and experience. If I were to do what your precious

Watching youtube videos that agree with your preconceived notions is not “learning science”

You can look at a graph of atmospheric CO2 and average world temp and they trend together perfectly.

“Life giving to plants gas. FTFY.”

“Yeah, that “science” cult. Buncha nutters.”

There are some countries where it is very cheap because of local production volumes but nowhere I know of has it free.

“They played by the rules. Then the rules changed.”

That’s what happens in the political landscape. Government and politics is unfair and brutal. The winds change swiftly. People are hurt in the process. Perhaps we shouldn’t put so much under political management.

It’s an artifical market, it’s bidding on government permission to offer a service. The government decides by edict how many people will be allowed to do so.

The problem is the government enforced cartel. Had taxi licenses and medallions been unrestricted in number and say $25 or even $2500 or something in between there would be no issue. There would be no place for uber under such conditions.

The reason the medallions cost $700K (not even the peak price of over a mil) was

The human process of science is very political. Even more so since government funding became dominate. What makes you think the political Koch brothers would care about properly evaluating data? It’s clear your idea of things was spoon fed to you by others.

There is absolutely no money to do real science and data

Name calling isn’t an argument.

The blood and treasure expended in the middle east was largely for the sake of doing so and putting oil into the right corporate hands. If you don’t think the same will happen with the countless natural resources needed for electric cars think again.

“Cigarettes are also coming good for you.”

If that’s the way you feel, be a good human resource and do as your masters want.

In modern world “intelligence” is measured by how well a person parrots authority. It appears you have accepted this definition quite well. However in reality intelligence is something entirely different. The ability to think for one’s self. I’ve looked at the warmist case quite extensively and at every turn I see the

“A life giving gas which is used to euthanize animals.”

The petrochemical industry is exploiting the CO2 doomsday theories quite well last I heard. I simply learned more on my own than what we are told in school and the media and know how enough about enough in various fields to see the scam being perpetrated.

Ah yes, your special name for people who don’t accept what our betters tell us. Your kind has been around for thousands of years too and is responsible for much human misery.

BTW, the reason I have the views I do is because I have learned science and I thus I can see through the scam that politically funded “experts”

Next up the religious sermon on how we should pay greater tribute to the ruling class and have a lower standard of living for good weather. Same story for several thousand years now.

“factor in removing that CO2 and see how ‘cheap’ it is”