“It doesn’t matter a damn how that price is derived, it’s still expensive.”
“It doesn’t matter a damn how that price is derived, it’s still expensive.”
So basically they are creating an electro-mechanical welfare state to go along with the traditional one. Both sustained by their oil industry. I guess so long as someone somewhere is buying oil it could keep going, but lets not pretend that ultimately this entire scheme doesn’t depend on oil, because it does.
“Gas is only cheap in America”
Yes, government’s complicity in big oil buying up and closing independent refineries and then making it impossible for anyone else to build new ones is a good part of the equation in the USA. That was done back in the 1990s.
Fuel prices are largely set politically. In some places simply more directly than others. Some with more success than others. You mention the oil lobby in the USA, so I’ll use that example. While big oil companies successfully got fedgov to do things to drive up oil prices it was followed by the federal reserve doing…
Speed humps, bumps, random curb narrowings, and so forth are to bring speeds down to less than 20mph in most cases. Speed bumps almost to a stop. Certainly to have traffic at no more than 30mph. So this is all within the desired speed range.
With speed humps and bumps what happens is people slow to a crawl to go over…
In all that burned up cargo how did they place the blame on the 2002 Ford? It sounds as if they decided because it had a recall for catching fire and may have been close to the start they just blamed it.
I am not arguing it was or wasn’t but that the determination was glossed over. That’s really the key.
Also I would…
No hindsight is required. Just a fair knowledge of the subject matter in the first place and the desire to do right for the long term. Nothing about building the road to the desired speed wasn’t unknown long ago. The knowledge goes as far back as the 1930s on some aspects of it. Except in the 1930s it was used to…
“You would be a lot less indignant right now if you hadn’t been lazy in the first place.”
“Okay, if you’re going to ignore half of that sentence, why did you bother writing a half page defense of it?”
What are you babbling about? Are you ament001's sock puppet? regardless, you need to go learn that shared space is more than removing signs. I chose the C&D article because it’s a simple mainstream thing.I…
So you want to fix why the leg got broken, but here the broken leg was the problem with walking. I could come up with something better but you get it.
“Then don’t quote him.”
“Well, if you want to start a new city from scratch building it using only the most well researched infrastructure systems available”
That’s the point, to design for the specifics and not do hamfisted things like speed bumps.
I am not sure where the C&D author got that from since there are no cities that have been converted to 100% shared space intersections. Maybe one small town in the Netherlands. That said every intersection where Hans Monderman ripped down the signs the entire public way was redesigned for shared space. Every single…
WTF are you babbling about?
It’s the approach of Elvis’s doctor. Treating symptoms then treating the side effects then treating the side effects of the treatment of the side effects and so on. Didn’t exactly work for Elvis in the end and that’s pretty much how that line of thinking goes for most everything.
“This example of a the woman crossing the road, had no road signs indicating it was a crosswalk. This accident occurred in a location that matches your preferred lack of signage.It is just an outlet off the sidewalk, exactly the same as it would be in your prescribed method.”
“How are you not on the no fly list?”
“Comparing the government to individual citizens is wildly inappropriate.”