Miles Archer

“I don’t exactly have a ton of faith that people are civilized.”

“The company has informed us that we have enough parts to build vehicles through Thursday.”

Where does inflation come from? It comes from the expansion of the money supply. What controls the money supply? The central bank. Who controls the central bank? Managers, political figures, etc.

Indeed, very much so. In the example you bring up it’s that you can’t have the human resources leaving the workforce too soon.

Society’s beliefs and pressures come from a manipulation of the many by the few. Once the few convince a critical mass all of society serves them.

The USA runs on what I call the company town

That was the NMSL era. Once the NMSL was repealed in 1995 they went back to R&P. Then a few years later someone got a speeding ticket under R&P. The result of fighting that ticket was the institution of a speed limit. 70mph if I remember correctly.

“What it fails to mention is that it is a misdemeanor in VA. Getting caught doing over 80 means you will potentially have a criminal record.”

“Here in the modern world, we SET the limits at 80mph. One day the east coast may advance from the middle ages.”

“Why cant people just buy what they can afford.”

If you want to learn all sorts of nonsense people believe about using the roads try vehicular bicycling and they’ll tell you. My favorites? With regard specifically to the law... The cop who told me I could only ride in the 1-2" strip to right the of the white line and when I was signalling a left turn and had moved

The fire codes in Chicago prevent that from happening again. The codes are/were so paranoid that network cable had to be in steel conduit.

Now playing

Oh no worries there, I follow a couple different things from the late, great Redd Foxx. You should listen to him too.

Well, you keep on keepin’ on with that divisive attitude of yours.

If people started questioning the high prices of medical care instead of finding ways to pay the high prices then they would go back to 1910 and see that government intervention into the industry was intended to increase prices from the very start. That the entire modern US medical system was designed to extract

“hurt the poor”. Of course suddenly having fuel taxes in the US system to pay for yet more non-road items or even just more roads hurt the poor. It has to do with how the entire taxation system and what people get from it in the USA is set up. How those at the top of the pyramid take a big giant cut of the

I am so sick of these stupid gasoline charts. Gasoline, the actual hydrocarbon fuel is just a component of these charts. These things tell us mostly countries that tax fuel highly. That’s all. It’s a tax policy chart.

In other words you know absolutely nothing and lump people into groups based upon what others in your echo chamber told you.

Here we go again, when it’s men the horrible actions of a single person define a group. This is as regular as hot weather being climate and cold weather being weather.

“”I’ve never gotten anything from a woman blaming men for [their
“Male incels who complain of not being able to attract women “are

Again, there are numerous women who want it that way, as such it cannot create a condition of _involuntary_ celebacy. If those women aren’t what a particular man wants then it’s not involuntary, it’s voluntary because he’s made a choice.

Control? How silly. There are many women out there who want men to take control or even control them and see men who don’t want to do that as weak.. The desire to control a woman will never be a statistical barrier to a man getting sexual access. Anyhow the stereotypical problem incels have is the opposite, they