Miles Archer

Yes you are. Read up the thread. I stated there is no way GM’s production version of carbon fiber is anything like that used in racing. And with each post you support it further. Now you’re apparently talking about a carbon fiber reinforced injection molded part. That’s a cheap-ass version of carbon fiber and at this

Sanctimonious? In other words you don’t have an actual example of a product where “put it in the manual” is used to cover over an inadequacy of this degree so you’re going to change the subject.

So it’s nothing like the racing technology mentioned by the person I was replying to. In other words you’ve just supported my argument that GM is cheapening the process and the parts.

There are no sheets involved. It’s a layup process very much like fiberglass where the quality of the materials and workmanship matters. It’s GM, if they can cheap out, they will.

Yeah, and the Chevy Vega’s unlined aluminum block used racing technology too. It worked just fine in racing where each block was carefully made. In GM’s mass production well it didn’t work out so well.

Mass produced cost sensitive carbon fiber is what is being discussed here.

There’s a big difference between tensile tests and impacts. There’s even a bigger difference between dents or tears and cracks. If Ford wants to arrange a commercial where that carbon fiber cracks badly they should be able to.

This being the same GM that was critical of aluminum’s less denting and more tearing compared to steel. So now instead of denting they’ll have cracks.

Something seems amiss. One would think someone would have a business buying up unwanted cars and shipping them.... well anywhere that is away from Hong Kong. Waste on this level can only be caused by a government interference somewhere. A large export tax or some other difficulty.

You’re defending the rich and powerful. I’m the libertarian that wants to tear down their power structures and management of society. You want to expand both!

Where is “pay attention” used as an excuse for a design choice or going forward with a technological limitation in any of those items? Be specific. Tell me, what specific design choice is in each where “pay attention” takes the place of a robust design? Where is it an acceptable excuse for having a design that

“That yield sign is pointless since the lane isn’t actually ending any time soon.”

For what is on the video, I don’t really give a shit. I’ve seen far worse between exotic cars on interstates in traffic. I don’t recall posting any of those videos and I think I deleted all but one. But when cops do stuff like this people think back to how they have been punished for things like driving the normal

In Illinois state troopers routinely cruise at 90-120mph on the interstates and I’ve encountered them driving at excessive speeds even on surface streets. They will drive 90-100mph and then pick someone going slower than they are and ticket that person for speeding. I intentionally set up my camera looking out the

As Agjios already mentioned, the SUV had been on the market for decades before 1958. Vehicles with such capabilities go back to the 19 teens. Even Model T’s were adapted to be what today would be called SUVs.

“if Autopilot prevents more accidents than it causes, that seems like a success to me.”

I’ve consistently repeated that ‘put it in the manual’ for something like this is not going to save you and neither is ‘the customer should know that’.

Lawn tractors have things like kill switches in the seat. The products you mention are all designed to various private and government safety standards to minimize what happens when someone doesn’t pay attention. For this as an argument in favor of TM they would have to design to an independent standard. What standard

“Conversational Terrorism”

At ford’s specified tire pressure it was fine. A few psi below that.... well tire damage.

Don’t accuse me of your own behavior. That’s just dirty. A 100% certainty that it would happen. Not that it would happen to everyone all the time. Of course you knew that and decided that would distort what I said and dive in with hyberbole. You’re the one who decided to distort my press example into something