“This is every manufacturer of every product.”
“This is every manufacturer of every product.”
That’s how software companies function.
This is yet more proof that Telsa Motors is not doing FMEAs. These are obvious failure points a FMEA would uncover.
This trailer hook up in the front seems to be a common geo mod. Metros, storms, etc. I’ve seen it a few times now.
Guess that hit too close to home for you. You went from effectively calling me a liar to tossing up a ‘it’s true but it’s ok’ comfort piece from a source that is well known for it’s CO2 driven climate change alarmism and cheerleading for the central management and planning of society to ‘stop’ it. And now you’re back…
If it’s that dire then the cyber currency people were a last ditch effort, a last resort, no where else to go.
“As always, I look into the absurd claims you conservatives make with even a cursory glance, and find them debunked:”
Nothing could go wrong, because a sponsorship isn’t a product or service. If goes kaput in the few minutes or seconds it takes to go from crypto to cash they aren’t out anything. They haven’t even put the logos on the car yet. Or the deal could stipulate the sponsor pay directly for that which means there’s zero risk…
It is a myth. It’s just different with its own peculiarities. I was simply stating I didn’t see a lot of ‘we have a holiday’ impact from German suppliers.
Ahh, so it’s not that you dislike geeks, you hate the automobile itself and apparently their numbers because the peasantry can more easily afford them than they could horse drawn carriages.
“Only morons and goofballs care about what kind of engine this or that car has, or what kind of door handles, or whatever other such nonsense.”
I estimate Italy has at least one holiday per week. France isn’t much faster. Germany I don’t recall ever being told I can’t have something because of a holiday. UK similar.
Ford uses all its special cars as dealer reward cars. As such it had to go through a dealer. This is one of the ways they motivate dealers to move the high volume vehicles.
Trapped water usually rusts a hole in very little time and makes its own way out.
DUI checkpoints. No evidence of impairment required.
Also what usually gets a person pulled over late night and discovered with an illegal BAC level would be perfectly acceptable in the morning weekday commute.
I’ve made the argument that impairment and BAC aren’t the same for years in different forms but people just ‘feel’ and get upset. It is possible for a person, especially at the low modern BAC limits are still well within the performance bell curve distribution of sober socially accepted driving.
The whole ‘impairment’…
You beat me to the ‘line down’ situation and ‘just too late’ inventory systems.... but then you mentioned stuff made in Italy. Which then makes overnight shipping or any other quick transportation pointless or simply absurd. Every Italian supplier I have ever dealt with requires massive lead times and doesn’t…
I have simply told you the practices that are going on. If the implications of those practices disturb your belief system that does not make it a “conspiracy”. Again, these practices are not a secret. They are published and are out there for anyone who looks. The relevant agencies still publish two data sets “raw”…
Not the ‘82s. The ‘82s didn’t much make it to the far side of the 80s. I can count on one hand the number of them I’ve seen since 1989.
The 1982 Chevy Cavalier. As I recall after my parents traded it in we learned that the blocks cracked in a way that didn’t stop the cars from running but insured they would run hot and never be right for long. That GM simply covered it up. The now gone ‘82 Cavalier had all the appropriate symptoms.