Mildly Amused

In a BMW, to boot!

Amateur Race Driver is an Egotistical Prick

That’ll teach you what happens when you try to fix something the “correct way” when a couple of zip ties would’ve done the job.

Lol, the scooter idea isn’t a bad thing in theory it’s just that Bird, etc. are doing what Uber originally did. Use other people’s property to facilitate their business model under the guise of being a public benefit.  If they were non-profit, then fine but if I was a property owner and had these things dumped

I’m rooting for Scooter Remover despite their shitty practices. 

I was in DC this weekend and these things were all over the place. My kid tripped over one laid across the sidewalk, and it made this ridiculous klaxon noise and blared out a warning. This only led to ALL of the kids in our group (five of them) proceeding to stand in a circle kicking this thing and laughing, like some

Sounds like Bird and Lime don’t like having their business model disrupted.

Yes, boo hoo, I’m all broke up for the scooter companies. First, people are inconsiderate pieces of shit and leave piles of them on the sidewalk forcing pedestrians into the street to walk around them, and second, JFC, go from the street to the sidewalk back to the street then dart from behind me directly in front of

I love a story where there’s nobody to root for.

Lead is a common old school roofing material cause it was fairly easy to work with back in the day. The spire was made from oak covered in lead. Burney on the inside, melty on the outside, fun combination!

It’s not quite as fascinating to think that the Cathedral withstood centuries during far less advanced times without having a major fire. Yet despite all our modern technology it seems construction workers and/or their equipment were enough to ignite such a devastating fire that will take a massive input of funds and

-Apart- from the stained glass, most of the works inside, and most of the main structure...”
‘And the two towers.’
“...-and- the two towers. -Apart- from all that, what’s left?” </etc, etc>

Well, except for most of the stained glass, most of the works of art inside and most of the main structure.

Great robot and all, but this is the font they choose? really?

Interesting piece of trivia. Lead was frequently used in the construction of old church roofs. During times of war many of them would have their roofs taken down so the lead could be used in trebuchet counter weights.

I wonder if he has ever considered raking the fire?

I read last night that much of the wooden roofing is coated with lead, which was becoming molten and dripping down.....yea, send in the robot!!

This is the most French thing I’ve read all day.

I wanted to slam my head against the table when the commander-in-cheeto was tweeting about using firefighting drop-planes to fight the blaze. You don’t need my 8 years as a firefighter to have the common sense to realize what kind of damage that much mass does to a structure. Not to mention, there is a reason why you