Mildly Amused

100% agree. Visibility is one of the most important, and most overlooked aspects of road safety. You are by no means straying off-topic by bringing up parking enforcement. Cars parked/stopped in the wrong places make a huge difference.

That’s when you honk. Full honk. Ideally, they’ll drop & break their phone.

Its also got a forward facing cam so it doubles a speed trap when parked next to the road.

I’d take 10 of these today...if the police would put them someplace useful, say on the residential streets in neighborhoods, and not the 6 lane arterials or highways.

I’ve found that sometimes the only visible aspect of a pedestrian is unintentional. Like someone out for a walk at night wearing their running shoes, which just happen to have reflective parts to them.

watch where you’re going and realize that, though you may technically have the right of way, the 2 ton vehicle wins the fight every, single time.

Just today two people almost hit me (while I’m driving in the car) because they didn’t for one second look up from their phones while walking. And I was stationary! Pay attention to your surroundings!

Of course, no texting while driving, but texting while walking.


The funeral will be Monday.

To fight, knowing the odds.

To continue, despite the odds.

To accept the end, to face it bravely.

That is a strength I hope I have when I am called.

I never knew who was behind it until now. I spent countless hours in college watching Top Gear and growing as an enthusiast thanks to him, RIP Viper007Bond, Thank you for everything! 

That’s a nice mention by Jezza. “I listened to him.” 

Goddamn it.  I almost made it through the day without crying.  Fuck Cancer man... fuck it.  Too many people.  Too much struggle.  

I was at the never aired NBC Top Gear pilot taping many years ago in L.A. Andy Wilman was on stage welcoming everyone and gestured to the crowd noting:

Leukemia is fucking vile and I cannot wait until the day it is eradicated from this earth. I’ve seen far too many friends and family struggle and lose to it.

Damnit, I’m not crying, you’re crying.

NOW we’re talkin!

If I’m not mistaken, that many people would be roughly all of North America. We would run it as a collective draft. It would be glorious.

So, NHL typically use 2 Zambonis and 10 persons with buckets and shovels for a surface that is roughly 52 million times smaller.

how ironic, “18 Million Zambonis” is the name of my metal band.