
A coworker was asked to bring beverages for the annual picnic and showed up with six cases of La Croix and two six packs of real soft drinks. She looked stunned when the real soft drinks disappeared in less than two minutes and there was La Croix left over at the end of the event. Same coworker changed the three

Congratulations! Besides getting this for myself, I may stuff a few stockings with your book this Christmas. Some younger relatives who could probably gain from your insights.

I definitely am sorry that my use of the name Maria was way out of line. Not my intention to offend but that’s no excuse. I see women busting their asses in low paying jobs all day every day for $7.25 per hour. And I must say that when I disagree with people  (as I’ve done before on this forum) I don’t call them

Competition for McJobs has gotten fierce. When is the last time you actually saw a teenager working at a fast food restaurant? Where I live, grown adults have all of those jobs and you will not get one unless you can prove you can outhustle Maria who works 16 hour shifts six days a week and never complains.

Folks think the police are customer service for racists. I’m sure they think all black people are criminals and will run when the police show up. These clowns always seem so uncertain of what to do next when the cops roll up, stare at them with that “are you for real right now?” look and don’t immediately open fire on

Bill Cosby used to do a routine all about Spanish Fly. That’s the flashing red light in the CTG story. As soon as he said that, Rye should have quietly backed away from him and the whole sordid mess he’s in.

Congratulations! Nothing like having your own.

Detroit can feel me on this one”, and on #5. You’d be surprised how many folks think that going to Canada (which takes about 30 minutes from the average Detroit neighborhood) counts as world travel.

Right there with you, as always. I’m twelve yeats into this journey and I know in my bones that the combination of racism, sexism, not quite enough money, taking care of every damn body, and our crazy family is what drove my mom to an early grave. Her death is why I practice self care because I know as a black woman

I think you will see something different from white women now that Roe v. Wade is in serious danger. I could be wrong, but 2018 and 2020 probably won’t be a repeat of 2016 as their lives will be specifically on the line this time.

He died about a year ago. So he really is a ghost.

He looks like Al Jarreau’s ghost.

it causes people psychological pain when you challenge their most cherished beliefs. So when you say something other than ‘white people are great” you will get tremendous pushback. When you have an eight year show of black excellence as president it will cause enough white people enough psychological pain that they

In 2016 they handed my son a “future voter” sticker then apologized for being out of the “I Voted” stickers. I wanted to throw a temper tantrum over not getting a sticker but that is setting a bad example when you’re with a four year old child. After all we’ve gone through to get the right to vote the very least they

I bet it’s the Russians on the team who are really excited about going to the White House since their country bought it. The Americans are probably 50/50 and the Canadians would rather drown in maple syrup than meet cheetoh satan.

New Yorkers have a long history of hating trump. If Guiliana, formerly “America’s Mayor,’ can get drowned in a chorus of boos at a Yankee’s game then I think their fans will forgive them if they skip going to the White House.

I thought the game was tomorrow? That shows you how much I pay attention to hockey. I hope they win too but if anything pops off in Gallery Place twitter will be ablaze with ‘criming while white” photos.

Thank you for speaking your truth. There are so many who are silenced. I appreciate your bravery.

Yes, think people! Water is a precious natural resource not to be wasted on racist trash like her.

Yes! Yes! Yes! And that’s just my response to the title of this post. Her mother has been a class act throughout this entire time, but her extended family has behaved like trash.