
Mookie, I’d think we were long lost siblings but for me it was the infamous “Thanksgiving 2016 blowup.” My mom knows not to talk politics with me anymore after she made a comment about the KKK being founded by the Democrats and I told her about Realignment and the Southern Strategy. Her response to our friends that

I need to stop doing this because it ultimately doesn’t matter but...

I think like a lot of people, the true horror is no longer merely that Trump is president.

I think he means ideally they are supposed to cover up how racist and shitty they are.

And this thoughtless, vile cruelty is a big part of his brand and why a large portion of this nation likes him.

*sigh* It’s commonly known as “micro-aggression” committed by those who want you (for whatever reason) to hurry up and get the fuck out of their way. This, of course is only one form of this hideous, under handed,piece of shit activity practiced by the socially and mentally crippled insane.

Decision makers at large, mainstream publications and platforms keep inviting and providing space for men like Bannon and Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos…Unfortunately, I’m not smart enough to know exactly why this keeps happening.

I hope the white people invited to this funeral are prepared for black church.  

This infuriates me. My ww coworker is now  giving me the “silent treatment” because I called her out on her racism and privilege. My husband says that she feels I owe her an apology. 

I get the impression that the people who produce local TV news aren’t a whole lot more sophisticated than the people who consume it.

He added, “the smug look on his face was one of the most punchable looks I’ve ever seen.”

One of these days they are going to catch the wrong Black person at the wrong time on the wrong day. 

> How can I look a black boy in his face and tell him he is nothing?

As a former bouncer I learned a long time ago how trash most of us are but we as men need reminders like this every day.

Couldn’t watch that whole video without screaming, but what I did see brings a few things to mind: first, I imagine that actual missionaries have done the exact same thing as this asshole in centuries past. Most history books don’t go into specific missionary methodology, but there really shouldn’t be any question

Cracka pox

He blamed his outburst on an illness which caused him to suffer stress that subsequently caused him to attack the hotel staff unprovoked“

I see the native Ugandans are calling out the police there for treating Jimmy Lee with kid gloves and not like they would regular folks.

I try not to get my science news from People magazine.

And my not-entirely-intact apartment? Well, if I were black, it would only be expected of me, rather than a temporary bad situation, right?