Miko the Squiz

..oh, man. Imagine a ride where everything outside of arm's reach is limited only by the special effects budget. A Jurassic Park ride where T-Rex chases you along the tracks and you can feel the breeze as it tries to snap your head off and whiffs. And smell its breath, if they put a few bucks into stink spritzers.

He's just weaseling around trying to avoid coming out and saying that Simon Cowell doesn't give a shit about or understand pop music at all, but has a fair idea of what kind of act he can convince children to buy regardless of whether they're good or not.

Or, like, thinking about things, or knowing stuff. Liberalism is strangling itself to death, and I'd hate to see it go. :/

I have no idea. There's little to no 'action' in the comics.

Neil Strauss comes to mind. As far as I can tell she's not dumb, just crazy.

Her version's better than Madonna's, though. And I liked her as a guest judge on RuPaul's Drag Race.

He's basically got the same reputation as Elliott Smith: A super sweet guy with a lot of problems, who couldn't deal and could be difficult and snarky.

It's bandied about a lot as a 'consensus', and she's certainly a big ol' erratic weirdo mess of a person, but as far as I can tell people who have actually spent any time with her think that while she's an erratic weirdo mess, she's an intelligent and charismatic weirdo mess.

Most people, when put in front of a camera to play themselves, freeze up and act really stiff and awkward. Being able to act even a little bit is much rarer than most people think it is, and there are innumerable top-notch actors who exclusively play variations on themselves. I'd say it's much rarer these days for a

Honestly, it sounds like something from a William Gibson novel from the early 90s.

I think the problem in the first place is that Saving The World From An Ancient Eldritch Evil isn't really a workable plot, never mind an interesting one.

I've searched for all kindsa movies. Big hits, cult classics, obscure gems, they've never ever had any of them. No Gremlins, no Hedwig & The Angry Inch, no Bottle Rocket, no Dark City, no Beetlejuice, no Rare Exports, no anything in any genre, but all the bargain-bin direct-to-DVD harf you can shake a stick at. In my

Tuning down a whole step makes the strings way too flobbery, and if you put on heavier strings to compensate, switching back to regular tuning is suddenly hnnngh.

They're a pretty okay band who have had a long and successful career and made more good records than people give them credit for?

Someone would have to try, first. I'm pretty sure the issue is entirely "hey guys, I got us a license to print free money with no effort thanks to a recognizable brand we can just slap on any old heap of shit, hire whoever's going cheap and stick them in front of a camera".

Speaking of the Smithsonian and garbage exhibits, I just found out they've got the original character sheets the first Dragonlance novels were based on (because of course they were, and that's why the books start with the characters filing into a tavern one by one to be introduced with a bit of exposition each and

I have literally never watched anything on Netflix because their catalog appears to consist in its 100% entirety of movies that either feature a cameo by someone who was once in a movie that I'd like to watch, are a sequel with none of the original actors, writers, or director, or just have a title that's a bit

The usual problem with video game movies are that they're just cash-ins and nobody gives a shit about the project. Half the time the movie's script is worse than the game's.

Yes, Craigie Fergie was a musician before he was a comedian.

I'm about 96% gay and while I'd like a cuddle from him, this would be with the proviso that it must not lead to needing to explain that I don't like him that way.