Miko the Squiz

I liked Enter the Gungeon a little bit at first, but it's so goddamn stingy with the rewards. Playing it feels like trying to squeeze blood from a stone.

Pharah isn't very good right now. McCree and Zenyatta got buffed, and playing against Pharah with those guys is like a cross between trap shooting and a piƱata party.

They remind me of a metal Concrete Blonde somehow.

Local Band Makes Accessible, Reasonably OK Song In Accessible Genre

Team Rocket's Meowth is a male, right? If so, it seems plausible.

The album version of "Polly" was recorded on a $20 Stella from a junk shop, with the tuning pegs taped into a place to stop it from going out of tune during the song.

Like the England flag (as opposed to the Union Jack) or any of the forms of any of the Scandinavian flags!

Well, duh, yes. They went all-CGI and there's no rain, darkness, etc, to conceal the CGIness, so of course it looks shoddy.

In a token display of national character, I find myself obliged to eat some mustard-pickled herring once every two years. The craving builds up and I can't help buying a jar, eating two pieces, and putting the rest back in the fridge until the next time I move house.

I'm presently eating carrot sticks of my own free will.

Dez Cadena was in the Misfits?

The primary host being a twat is a major part of the Top Gear concept.

Literally 90% of the appeal was the summon animations and the materia system was the rest.

There's some funny stuff in the movies, but the character/shtick was always unbearable.

The only Madonna song I like. A pretty okay pop track.

You seem to have a severe misconception of the basic concept of sf/f fiction.

You ate Thai food on LSD? I'm more impressed by that than the no-hitter.

They used to shit like wipe Monty Python so they could record Horse of the Year Show, though. I think they basically just went by "if it's interesting, we don't want it".

She clearly has some gross, sinister shadow magic going on, and a dubious fortune teller level of foresight. The rest may well be tricks and lies.

That's not funny, a friend of mine died that way.