Miko the Squiz

I've never dared check it out because the name's already so bad I have little hope of the content pulling it back.

Yeah, it's like seeing "tobacco" or "leather" in a wine's tasting notes or "challenging" applied to music. Basically the same as saying "not actually good unless you're a wanker".

His favorite reindeer's Prancer.

Not just for a while, they still turn up on "greatest albums of whatever" lists and get four-page retrospectives in music mags and whatnot.

I'm gonna say that's a strong maybe. There seem to be a solid core of Zune appreciators out there who still prefer them to any other portable media player.

Hey, that's pretty apt. Reading one of his comments is like watching a spin-off movie that's just about Jay with no Silent Bob and no story, just a burnout ranting at you for two hours.

I checked out Skid Row on Google Street View the other day. It just blows my mind that there's a country where you can have that within ten miles of dead center downtown of one of the biggest cities, never mind like two blocks away.

I think he's got a lazy eye or something, hence the hat pulled down low.

McD's did manage to spin that hot coffee case pretty well, huh? They sent an old woman to hospital and gave her a $75k bill for skin grafts through repeated criminal negligence despite multiple warnings on the exact topic, and then didn't pay the reparations she was awarded in court, and they're still somehow the

Disney's Robin Hood multi-series franchise please.

I was just thinking I'd love to see abridged versions of the trilogy. I bet you could make them significantly better by trimming off about a third's worth of fat and gristle.

Wasn't the Hogfather already a two-part TV special?

My first thought on finding out that SPECTRE is coming back was that we're probably going to see a flying car and a ballpoint pen that's a tactical nuke.

If he was playing like that I'd walk.

Yeah, he really butchers the song until it's not breathing. It's better than whatever his coke-addled tiny brain thinks he's doing in that video up there, but not by much.

The first sounds good to me.

This article is the first time I've heard anyone bring up the possibility that there could not be a second season of Cosmos.

"Operatic"? I think echoey moaning and yelping is the opposite of that. I like echoey moaning and yelping and actively dislike opera, you understand, this is why I bring it up. "Operatic" about pop music is generally a dis.

Edward Scissorhands did rather steal Dream's look, didn't he.

Honestly, all the Joker definitively calls for is a large ham. A fine actor with a side of large ham is preferred, but as long as the large ham component is supplied the rest is gravy.