Miko the Squiz

Is the goddamn soccer ball droid's name actually FIFA?

Even if he was in earnest, he really shouldn't have. Nothing makes you look as much like a goober and/or hack as coming in after the fact to go "no, no, I was being satirical, d'you see".

I think if you're getting all three types you hit the sweet spot. You should try for at least two.

Dammit, I'd managed to block out the fact that for a brief moment Bob's Burgers was sub-Brickleberry fuck-awful. Don't spring that on me again, please.

(Bwuh, the edit function isn't working.)

It literally could not be any worse.

There used to be this whole AV Club inside joke (kind of like the Dawes thing) where people would pretend that "You Get What You Give" was somehow legitimately a good song, and even though it was clearly sarcastic it still kind of made me see red, that's how fucking hideous and douchey that song is.

He also made a big deal in that song about being, like, against corporate entertainment, maaaan, and then wrote a number of equally turdsome and irritating hits for the blandest milquetoast pop artists you could imagine.

Any Beyonce song?

I love how perfectly the video matches the lyrics the first time he sings "I don't look good-".

Hell, that shit sandwich is a high point in Adams' output.

The video is perfectly 1996. Too bad the song is perfectly 1986.

He enjoys "Kokomo", "Macarena", and "Tubthumping". That's a pretty fucking impressive threefer for a single human being. If he turns out to also enjoy "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" and "Can't Fight the Moonlight" he's an alien from outer space.

Sweet! Thus far Guardians has been the only Marvel movie franchise I could really manage to give a hoot about, but if they do Howard right he could easily take the top spot.

It just sounds like a Monty Python sketch, doesn't it? I can just picture Eric Idle screeching away in drag.

The whole Silver Age was a big ol' funnel cake of ridiculous nonsense all around. DC's indulged in it a whole lot less ever since things like plots and characterization were invented.

I thought "shoegaze" was because the musicians are permanently looking at either their guitar or their effect pedal array and don't have time to look up, never mind throw rock star shapes.

They finally gave up? Cool.

My name translated into Spanish comes out as Guillermo del Toro!
