Miko the Squiz

The only rock bands whose music really fits a bass player who noodles and double-slaps all over the place are the rock bands started by bass players for the express purpose of providing a home for their noodling and double-slapping.

"What is 'something you say to a dolphin on a third date', Alex?"

For my money, Ed Byrne's best bit is "I love bed". It's absolutely ingenious.

Gee, thanks.

I don't recall any Star Wars game being bad. A lot of them were straight up great.

Apparently he's not making any more movies because nobody will give him $4-5 million to make a proper production of it. Why doesn't he Kickstart?

You really want your mind blown? There are assholes out there paying millions of dollars for stamps.

Tarsem Singh could pull off the look within a reasonable budget. Whether he could do the story justice as well is another matter.

A Sale of Two Titties?

What's going on with the American Gods series, anyway? I heard it's not going to be on HBO any more, which seems crazy.

I'm in furor over the look of the site. It's ugly and impractical and faddish, and it's going to look horribly dated around spring 2014.

when you someone look him

"All the Way" and "Every Position" are about a favorite pet he had as a kid.

Did Madonna ever make something that could be considered 'great artistic work'?

Animals, sure, anything after is debatable.

Surely he answered a question with an imperative.

Just have the everything else replaced before you need to have them resoled next time. Then you'll have Philosopher's Axe shoes.

If I'm concluding with the snaps I usually do them in an overhead arc.

Meh. Kid A is to electronic Radiohead what Pablo Honey is to guitar Radiohead.

..made you "do the piano"?