Harley Davidson made a crappy, over-priced, cheesy product and then aggressively turned it into a lifestyle brand for baby boomers.
Gee, what could go wrong with that business model?
Harley Davidson made a crappy, over-priced, cheesy product and then aggressively turned it into a lifestyle brand for baby boomers.
Gee, what could go wrong with that business model?
Are we at the point where law-abiding citizens need to be packing in order to take out these fucko vigilantes before they murder innocent people?
I see these fucking 3% assholes all over here in NC with the stickers on their trucks. They’re advertising that they’re terrorists and get to just walk around free. Fucking Vanilla ISIS.
When reached for comment Brian Kemp confirmed he has opened an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia to get to the bottom of this.
“We are better than this” No, America you are not. Take a look in the mirror.
“More triggered Liberals” *squints* “wait a second...”
As I said, this monster can’t go five minutes without reverting back to form. He’s Hitler’s faulty clone. Fucktard McFuckface needs to go. Him, Pence, and every asshat they’ve appointed since January 20th 2017. If we can’t vote out every single Republican on the tickets in a few days... then we better prepare for…
It may have been a trickle charger but it still overcharged the battery. The better equipment is a battery maintainer that has the built in circuitry to monitor a battery and trickle charge when needed and shut of when fully charged.
In the last 20 seconds the white SUV is in front and assumes the aggressive role. Nobody was completely innocent there.
pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child
Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything