
So basically a traditional Democrat. Interesting.

As always, lean into the swerve to maintain center of balance.

To be fair, who doesn’t hate them (outside their own “family”)?

Boobies FTW

Seriously? Ford has always been junk. It was junk from Day One. Ford is the epitome of junk. Everything Wile E. Coyote ever bought was made by Ford.

Except for like Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, and several other countries out there that are actual, for-real democracies and not this Byzantine mess that we have here in the grand, old US of A.

12-packs and family size bags of Cheetos

Actually, no I don’t think I have the right to police anyone. This may come as a surprise to you, but not all white people are the same. Shocking, isn’t it? It’s sort of like how not all black people are the same. How’s that for just like totes weird or something, huh?

Oh yeah. Republicans are all for small government when it means not regulating large business and mega-corporations. For anything else, and especially for your personal, private life (all you poors), they tend to favor laws that are for your own good. It’s sort of like the TSA for everything in your life but nothing

Violation of that command is why both Sodom and Gomorrah were burnt to the ground. Selah, y’all