The decision to vacate the wins was nearly two and a half years old, so it comes as no surprise that Penn State completely fucked it.
The decision to vacate the wins was nearly two and a half years old, so it comes as no surprise that Penn State completely fucked it.
It must be such a relief to see something black on the floor in Chicago that isn't Derrick Rose.
Christie: Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
[runs through wall]
A true Jets fan keeps on fighting, even when the chips are down.
Reporter: Delmon, you had a rocky patch for a while and people thought you were all washed up. Now of a sudden you got the pop back in your bat! What's your secret?
In related news, Giants fans mourn the passing of Eli Manning.
Streaming video has gone too far.
"They've got this down to a science."
Gotze really spread this one wide open.
Something tells me this isn't the first blockage his chest has experienced.
"We surveyed 100 people, top 5 answers are on the board. Tell me Mariano, what would you throw on an 0-2 count?"
I guess that makes this the first case where Windows would actually help a computer run better.
But how will Brian Gionta play without a jersey for the rest of the New York series?
Just showing off the beads he won.
I guess you can say all those hopelessly mismatched players...
Melo wasn't shaking his head at that ugly play, he was shaking his head because nobody passed the ball to him while he was on the bench.
Oh, this only looks impressive because he's doing it in a manner that is far harder and more aesthetically pleasing than the normal, also difficult and aesthetically pleasing way. One of the greatest in-game dunkers of all time used to do something similar—though infrequently—from time to time.