Suicide was my first thought as well.
Suicide was my first thought as well.
Sadaharu Pee
Not wanting to show up for Atlanta regular season games means he’s an Atlanta fan at heart
I’d take Cleveland with a good job over Atlanta with a (relatively) bad one. Do you think he’s worried about having to pretend to like Dwight Howard?
I honestly cannot decide which is worse: Cleveland or Atlanta.
+1 inbred pitbull
Naw -
Manny will play in Japan for the Kochi Fighting Dogs
Fuck those guys! Are they fighters made of ham? Are they fighting against ham? NOBODY KNOWS!
I’m not mad that he was on a boat. I’m mad that he completely disregarded the second half of the equation that equates to a successful water surface lifestyle. It’s boats AND HOES. No wonder the Giants lost. Amateur.
I think Marvin Harrison just shot the shit in his free time.
Who would you prefer, Skip Bayless and Nickelback?
I know this pain. Also as a lions fan who moved to a different market I have to watch as it’s one of the few televised non-thanksgiving, non flexed to nbc to witness a choke job we all saw coming, games I can watch from home.
As a Lions fan, having a day in the playoffs where my team plays is so rare I’m gonna have to watch it.
Note to spectators: on a curve on the edge of an exposed ravine isn’t the smartest place to stand when attempting to…
Ridiculous. All women are angry, not just black ones.