In related news, Kyle Shanahan decided against a short run to the White House and will instead, pass.
In related news, Kyle Shanahan decided against a short run to the White House and will instead, pass.
and a private Winger / Dokken concert.
In a strange turn of events, Matt Ryan said he will also be skipping the White House event.
This rule is gimmicky, stupid, and won’t bring in any new fans, while annoying many actual fans. Like, I’m not going to stop watching baseball over this, but I will absolutely hate the shit out of it. The vast majority of games end after one or two extra innings and the once or two times each team plays a 17 inning…
This is the least American thing I’ve ever heard
He’s free to have whatever opinion he wants. You, I, and Steph Curry are free to hold him accountable for that opinion. Free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences, my dude. Sorry.
More like Frumunda Armour...
There’s going to be about 5 very disappointed people soon. Plus a bunch of disappointed snowbirds who’ll have to drive to Vegas from now on to see their team 1-3 times per year.
It’s what everyone wants.
“Big deal. I pulled that off for almost 15 years.”
Inspired by the Statue of Liberty in football, in lacrosse this is known the Pearl Harbor.
Bullshit. Rob Deer knew what a walk was, but he wasn’t a damn pussy. He was going to hit that fuckin’ ball into orbit to show it who’s boss.
Chris Carters: All they do is catch TD’s or hit home runs.
Somewhere Rob Deer is pondering why the Brewers let him walk. Just kidding, Rob Deer never knew what a walk was.
+1 I want to believe
How did they get Chris Carter on the cheap? The truth is out there...
You glorious bastatrd +1
+1 white suit in the garbage can