Please, I’ve been trying to leave for years!
Please, I’ve been trying to leave for years!
Asshole didn’t replace his divot.
Yeah, I can’t tell any Bengals apart.
Uh, that’s a player. Not a towel. But I agree that he is terrible.
I live in Pittsburgh and love it. I will gladly live in any of the major rust belt cities over those soulless godforsaken overgrown strip malls like Dallas and Phoenix.
Dallas sucks. Can we agree that Dallas sucks?
Counterpoint: Cleveland is that bad.
There’s no football like snow football....
These guys needed somebody stealing from them to go bankrupt? What a bunch of losers!
Snow football is the funnest football.
“Oh, wow, that is the whole leg. Was gonna say, if it’s just the foot I know a few tricks that could help...”
+$0.25 but won’t get the strawberry it deserves
One thing that Pryor doesn’t suck at: causing opposing cornerbacks to screw-up their subject-verb agreement.
Steelers are already pretty shady, they have a long history of cheating with steroids
Mara vs Rooney 2: Deflategate Boogaloo
Throwing on the one yard line instead of running it for starters
Cheers! to that!
Funny quote by Travis...and pretty impressive Kelce Grammar.