
I dunno, the way I read it is that she wants Brad in her life. After all the shitty things he did, cheating, raping, stalking, etc. she still seems willing to accept his calls, texts or messages. If she was over him he would have and should have been gone from her life and Facebook years ago, it’s not like they had

Does Kraft own more than one freakin’ tie?

Those sleep regressions tie in with growth spurts. There’s another on at 8 months and another around a year. DDoesn’t last too long a couple days each time and then it’s back to the normal overnights so muscle through and you’ll be fine

Definitely, definitely, definitely! My oldest was into Junie B. Jones for a while and I hated every second of it. Junie is basically an asshole that had no sense of vocabulary or grammar. She says shit like “I winned the game cause I’m the bestest “ and other stupid shit like that. She had my kid talking like a

So true, 8 years to prepare a replacement and they show up with this garbage that’s more concerned with how to disenroll a lottery winner than how to actually enroll the people that need it

I once walked in the locker room to find a naked old dude with a foot up on the bench like Captain Morgan droning on to his equally naked, wrinkled and saggy buds about the secret to his lemon meringue, adding an extra egg white. I thought about jumping in with the obvious, “Wouldn’t that just make more meringue?

So Trumpcare will have you spending everything out of pocket, no deductible, no nothing, 100% out of pocket, and then at the end of the year they’ll give you some of it back, yes? So if I have a medical issue where are my gonna find the extra loot to pump into an HSA?

That’s what I don’t get about these people, they’re so willing to help the rich get richer out of their own pockets but try to help them keep more of what they work their asses off for and it’s a giant fuck you libtard

And why many in the world have concerns about the US, apparently there are 62 million racist morons. Quite a bit larger than 1/5, don’t you think?

I think the much better option would be to put a hole in a brake line so over time it would drip out and eventually run dry hopefully while the target is zooming down a giant S curve cut into the face of a mountain

As a Jet fan I say, no offense taken and no offense in sight...

I’m sorry but if he ultimately appreciated this man’s life he would have done his due diligence regarding the raid, he would have stayed awake to monitor the raid and he would have taken responsibility for his loss as the Commander in Chief. So telling me that he has the utmost respect is bullshit in my book

Actually, those 2 points are completely different

You’d think they’d be smart enough to at least try and avoid the bird flying right at them...

The money that the Waltons invest make it possible for smaller companies to keep making couches and food, and in return they get a piece of the profits.

Doesn’t that just make her more money, thus inflating her net worth even more?

Agree on the Santa paper. My wife and I go to great lengths to keep the Santa gifts separate from the Mommy and Daddy stuff, it gets a different paper, different tags, different handwriting, all of it. One year though, the kids found the gift stash and we got stuck having to rewrap everything, it sucked major league

From what I understand it’s not abandoned of junked based on the descriptions in the code. It’s registered and maintains a current airworthiness certificate. So in essence, it’s legal like any other registered, inspected and insured motor vehicle

Came here to make that joke but saw it was already handled, +1