
My Mother in Law suffers as well and she’s usually pretty sweet, if a bit self centered, to begin with, but the other day she cursed out the babysitter of my & my wife’s 1-1/2 year old and then had an outloud conversation with her boyfriend, who wasn’t there, about how she really really wanted to punch said babysitter

Do some fucking research.

Wow, you really drank that Kool Aid, huh? Like a whole fuckin’ vat of it...

And overwhelmingly, Trump supporters did not want their hard-earned money redistributed to people they regarded as undeserving.

That’s just about 19 years at $1,000 per month. So your Mom would have to know in 1997 that she might get cancer and not use a dime of that HSA on any other treatments just to have the money to afford it

Who can forget the mUggs??

Ultimately he’s gonna lose out due to the “sole discretion of team physicians” language but it’s gonna be fun watching him limp like a gimp for the next 2 months & change

I was thinking the same thing...

As I think back and realize that I could probably go on for days posting shitty thing I’very done after shitty thing I’ve done here I’ll just leave a few highlights:

It’s funny, even though I’m a Dem, I live in downstate NY there’s not too much that’s going to change for me, hell, I might even come out a little ahead with Trump but the “idiot assholes” that voted for him in the sticks, the South, the Midwest are gonna get shithammered; healthcare, union busting, loosening of

This year my wife asked for a vacuum, last year it was pans and knives, two years ago it was front tires for her car. I don’t give a crap, she gets what she wants and she’s happy. That’s not to say those are her only gifts, she gets other shit too, shoes, perfume, clothes, jewelry, whatever, but if she wants that

Most reputable tree farms put the tree on a shaker before netting it up just for that reason. Null and void, Magary

2 kids here, a 10 year old that’s getting her first real phone for Xmas this year and my 18 month old that already knows how to unlock my phone, go to the gallery and look at pics and vids I’ve taken. She even zooms and flips pics, it’s fuckin’ nuts. She’s getting her own kiddie tablet this year, I’m tired of her

Totally this...I work nights at the Depot and those trees are usually cut down weeks/months before they get to the store so just like Great Grandma, there’s a good chance there’ll be just a skeleton left by Xmas

Christ, his technique is fucking horrible...

Graham Crackers and butter

Don’t forget to grease the wheels for this guy...

Wasn’t that the premise of...

Am I the only one that read “felicitated” as “fellated” the first time through?

Wow, loved reading those....