You wouldn’t be using the computer (or phone) your on to post your comment and probably wouldn’t have the internet either if not for technology developed for the Space program.
You wouldn’t be using the computer (or phone) your on to post your comment and probably wouldn’t have the internet either if not for technology developed for the Space program.
Monica was in her 20's and she was a willing participant. Other than that you are correct. He should have just said yes I screwed around with my intern like half of Washington D.C is doing.
Can’t blame President Obama for cancelling the Shuttle. President George W. Bush cancelled the Shuttle without properly funding a replacement.
I agree with you. I wish the joint Apollo/Soyuz mission in the 1970's was a joint mission to the Moon instead of just Earth orbit.
Defense is eating up a lot more than a Billion. A Billion wouldn’t even buy you one aircraft carrier (aircraft and weapons not included) or barely a stealth bomber.
Don’t blame her, blame the men who designed her costume.
Plus Trump uses bankruptcy as a tool to eliminate debt (by his own words) regardless of how it hurts his employees. He has taken his various companies bankrupt at least 8 times and yet only one person asked him about this. Trump is the worst kind of capitalist.
Hillary Clinton is the far lessor of the two evils. Better the devil you know than any of the Republicans left running for President. The Republicans picked the crazies over their relatively sane people like Bush and Paul.
Well Kesha should just crank out 5 albums worth of music and say “here you go, I’m out of here” and be done with Sony and Dr. Rapist. Wouldn’t be the first time a musician did this to get out of a bad deal.
Give him a shot, he can’t do any worse than whoever Hollywood would pick to direct it and with him directing we might have a better chance of getting a good movie.
Knowing the way Hollywood thinks in a year or two there will be a movie adaption like they did with Chicago or Annie.
I’d put Iggy Azalea on the crap list before Miley Cyrus. At least Miley can sing.
Jumper, Awake, Shattered Glass. I thought Hayden’s acting was ok, not Oscar worthy but average.
I can’t understand why LA needs 2 or 3 football teams? You mean to tell me the LA market is bigger than New York? There are a lot of places with no team.
Yeah, but Admiral Piett’s guys didn’t do a good enough job of deactivating the Millennium Falcon’s hyperdrive on Bespin. After that he was living on borrowed time since Vader told him not to fail him again and he did ;)
Good old General Veers, the only imperial officer that didn’t screw up.
Ewan McGregor did a great job as Obi-wan, why throw the baby out with the bath water. How about a special edition edit to remove the BS from the prequels? Hell you would probably get one good 2 hour movie out of the three 7 plus hour movies. I hear Topher Grace did a good edit a few years ago....
Clone Wars is the reboot for the prequels, or at least it might as well be along with Rebels.
Learn something new everyday. Didn’t know they still make Crown Royal.