I think NASA used to fly one for research but I believe even that ended a few years ago.
I think NASA used to fly one for research but I believe even that ended a few years ago.
I guess Chopper’s class of droid are ancient. It would have been nice to see something or someone from Rebels in the new movie. Maybe in Rouge One.
How about Clone Wars animated series, then Episode 3, then 4,5, then 6? The only good thing in Episode 1 was the Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, Quigon fight at the end.
Same problem with my 7 year old grandson.
I thought the Kardasians show was supposed to be ending and yet it just keeps on going like the Energizer Bunny. Are there really that many people watching that show that it stays on the air or is it just all the news people and gossip writers watching it that keep its ratings up?
Eagles at Patriots should have a Zero Throwgasm. Is anyone really going to watch that game? It’s going to be a slaughter.
Sadly it will be almost impossible to round up all of the guns. People will hide them and the radical people will have armed standoffs with police.
It would have been really crazy if they had a General Grevious with four light sabers, The Inquisitor and Darth Maul with the double bladed light saber, and Kylo Ren with his crazy saber. Since they covered all of the major retailers they could sell at Kmart, Walgreens, and Costco to really make you work for it ;)
Used to love the Dreamcast, my kids and I used to play Crazy Taxi and other games for hours.
That’s a crazy waste of material to make something that big for two small figures. I purchased the older figure sets and they were nowhere as big as this.
All I can say is WOW.
Where is my Spider-Gwen Netflix series?
One thing I don’t miss is the red ring of death. It took out two consoles I had.
Actually the British invaded Hawaii. Captain Cook was even killed there on his 3rd visit ;)
I like your idea, and it can be pitched as a jobs program. Putting unemployed Americas to work in the bomb factories.
Please don’t regret having your children. There is more good in the world than evil. Your children could grow up to find the cure to cancer or just have a regular life but I couldn’t imagine a world without my children.
UPS screwed up all kinds of packages for me so I use the good old USPS any time I can. It is very rare that I have had a problem with a package shipment that was their fault (I used a cheap box trying to save money and it fell apart during shipment, and they taped the hell out of that box to get it there).
I would really like someone to tell me how Michael Vick can get a greater punishment for funding dog fights which lead to dogs being killed while this human piece of garbage Greg Hardy can basically get a slap on the wrist for beating this woman up?
Your missing one big thing: Episodes IV and V were edited and unofficially rewritten by George Lucas then wife Marcia Lucas who is the only person to win a Oscar for doing anything related to Star Wars.
I agree with you 100% Albert. George Lucas destroyed the greatest villian in the history of cinema. Hell, they could have even left the part in at the end of Vader saving his son from the Emperor without having him turn to the light side of the force. By killing the Emperor, Anakin/Vader could have actually completed…