I was just reading this and thinking how happy I was to see that this column is still around, because it’s great. I guess this is just another example of why we can’t have nice things? Damn.
I was just reading this and thinking how happy I was to see that this column is still around, because it’s great. I guess this is just another example of why we can’t have nice things? Damn.
Lamborghini cars should be limited to 15mph from the factory.
I have a hard time making decisions.
Lagavulin is a story for every day.
The rhetoric would be the same if he was a shitty white man.
Well, if the Cowboys cut Hardy he can always try his hand at Quidditch. There’s a sport that really needs beaters.
Ah yes, the Judeo-Christian West, that bastion of understanding towards homosexuals and women. The good old US, where no politician ever evokes God in their decision-making. The Catholic church, great protectors of youth.
+1. Mostly because of all the replies in the greys. They give me great satisfaction.
...a five-person group led by a German citizen...
This is incredible.
Just change Europe to USA and Muslims to Irish and you could easily imagine this comment is from 1840.
I’m gonna miss this president.
He was literally carrying EVERYONE on his back that first term. I wish he dropped a few people and really let go on the right winger assholes.
I really, really love him. Proud to have voted for Obama and really I feel quite lucky to have had him as our President.
That quote is just about everything I want in politics. Actual plans.
It’s all about ethics in domestic violence.
There has to be someone affiliated with Deadspin that can pull off the mannerisms and affectations of an adolescent attendee.
Crime Fighting and the NFL: Can You Believe I Get Paid for This Shit?
A. I can’t think of a more efficient way to churn out more religious militants than by giving an official U.S. government seal of approval to oppressing said religious groups.
Peanut M&M’s for the win, fuck you very much!