Mike's Rode Hard Lemonade

No, you don’t get it. They’re honoring your browser history.

How did Washington’s lawyers gain access to my browser history?

Not the first Ricardo to need a respite from handling the Ball.

That guy is such a jerk that the moment he had fame and clout, he used to elevate and give visibility to young, up-and-coming writers.

Even after ESPN fired him, he would still Tweet and link to Grantland writers because he wanted to support him.

That behavior is absolutely the worst! ESPN only fired people because Bill

He hired away some of his old hires, giving ESPN a pretext to close the whole thing? It’s a very flimsy criticism, imo, but there are tons of vehement Simmons haters out there grasping for straws. Instead of looking at this and coming to the logical conclusion, that ESPN is a terrible company, they try to spin at as

Holly Anderson’s twitter feed was fairly fascinating this morning

I honestly thought the pop culture stuff was what set them apart.

People learning they’re laid off over Twitter is some of the most cowardly shit possible.

Oh shut up

This sucks, so, so much.

Not that much of a surprise, but disappointing. Grantland articles were the only thing I read on ESPN anymore.

For when the One Sports Network comes

Imagine if an African American security officer did this to a white high school student.

I’m a Scully in the streets and Mulder in the sheets.

god fucking bless you, Madeleine.

I will say this slowly. For the last time as an Eagles fan and fan of good football. TIM. TEBOW. IS. BAD. AT. FOOTBALL. He stinks. He cant play. Period.

Socio-political stuff kept him out of the game? C’mom.

People defending Tebow as a viable NFL quarterback will never stop being funny.

Sigh. Number of games Tebow had 0 that’s ZERO completions 3.

If you’re a first round pick and you’re out of football within 4 years of being drafted, whether you got hurt or not (Tebow didn’t), you’re an absolute bust.

This is a great point but you’ll have to send it via email to be considered, Testicles