Time to change their name to the San Francisco Third and Niners.
Time to change their name to the San Francisco Third and Niners.
I’ve got no joke for this. Good for Lamar, and I hope he keeps improving.
Bernie is basically america’s favorite hoody. A little worn out, totally worn in, too old to care about appearances, and an intrinsic statement on income inequality.
I imagine your home to be perpetually immaculate and smell like a garden of roses and lilacs.
That illo is amazing and is also making me itch, which is, I think, a great testament to Tara’s skill.
Lave it to fucking Freddie De Boer to make Chait seem the reasonable and sympathetic one. Sweet mother of tendentious nonsense he’s a fucking douchecanoe.
Chait’s center-leftism doesn’t change the fact that Freddie DeBoer is an asshole.
This is ridiculous. If you want to have him spend his precious time apologizing for every racist thing he says, when is he going to find time to be racist?
I had a buddy recommend it to me years ago and haven’t looked back since. Personal preferences aside, I feel the easy answer is yes. It’s a no brainer, you almost always have fries with the burger, which means we know the taste combination works, plus it adds some salty flavor to the overall awesomeness of the burger.…
Public defenders usually have 90-120 clients at any given time. They give a shit, or they wouldn’t be working there. But it’s literally impossible for them to devote this kind of attention to each client. If that pisses you off, you should contact your representatives to allocate more funds and hire more public…
I will!
Just because you have the freedom to waste money on stupid shit doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to have completely unregulated massive gambling markets. The Nevada Gaming Commission exists for a reason - because those industries do far better in the long run if there’s a general public consensus that the games are run…
The government already successfully regulates legal gambling. Why can’t they regulate this too?
Are you seriously comparing deflated footballs to throwing a women onto a couch covered in guns?
Great job Greg. +1
Coates is, in my opinion, the greatest writer of this time, in regards to his skill and the fact that he manages to handle previously “taboo” subjects with the deftness of a virtuoso at Carnegie Hall, as well as the fact that he is a writer that legitimately excites when one of his projects is announced or released…
Last month, The Atlantic published an 18,000-word article by Ta-Nehisi Coates called “The Black Family in the Age of…
I don’t think it’s necessarily PC culture, insomuch as it is the hypermedia-clickbait culture. The media business model today relies on people reacting as fast as possible (click my link and not the other guys) to stories. And the way to do that is to circumvent our rational thought processes (ie the context of how…
I don't know about the fag part but I'm with you otherwise.
This is my question. If taking a hard look at our gun laws and how we enforce them is absolutely off the table, what IS a solution? A REAL solution, not “kids need parents” or some bullshit. Name ANY REAL SOLUTION.