
I've actually SOUNDED like that guy in some of my recent posts, I gotta get myself back in check!

Babar don't surf.

Applefanboiism in 1..2..3..

Here, here. I'd trade all the Republicans (are there even hot ones?) for a sandwich.

Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. As in, "I was insane for watching HIMYM again and again expecting this show to ever improve."

Dial it down a notch, Ben Franklin. If you'd read any of applicable components of the DMCA, or maybe last years decision from the Library of Congress, you might then ask yourself "Is what I posted an example of 'bloviating'?".

You're welcome to your opinion, but Mr. Brown turned himself into low-hanging fruit for detractors with his own tweets regarding his Grammy wins. And you're welcome to be convinced someone like Will Wheaton (career self promoter that he is) starting a flame-war with Mr. Brown's semi-grade-school-educated twitter

Slappers! No one before me listed the most fun mode of any fps?!

Good god. How spineless.

As an old-as-hell -fan, I'd recommend giving this a try. Remender, and Hickman on FF, are taking crap properties and turning them around.

Bull$hit. See: Samsung. The Captivate, released in the U.S. summer of '10. GPS was a known problem. No Froyo.

Name a serious commercial from last night that stuck with you. The 'winners' of the highest stakes commercial contest of the year were all humorous. Farmville's humor value to socially- functioning human beings is how pathetically needy it makes its players... which might not have translated as funny as the 'Alec

Roger Ebert tweeted about this around an hour after the game.

Aww. The video ends before the punchline.

That IS this year, isn't it?

Flash will keep me with Android. If in 2013 I can sit on a chairlift going up a hill with my snowboard on my feet watching a Blackhawks game on my WP8 phone, I may change.

He put his foot in his mouth when he publicly said protesting public workers should be shot in front of their families, to go along with pissing off the Indian High Commission by making their country out to be a gigantic third world mess throughout the Christmas Special. After featuring the PM in the beginning of the

"The scary thing is that Chara's shots are only getting faster. Since his first victory in 2007, his last five winning attempts have been 100.4 mpg, 103.1 mph, 105.4 mph, 105.9 mph & 108.8 mph." -Sean Leahy, Puck Daddy.

I don't think you came out ahead. The Touchpad, even with the extremely- stable Gingerbread Alpha in it, out-functions the Fire by miles. And miles. Let's grant you were putting Cyano 9 in it. Still. 10.1 inches of dual core, hyper-inexpensive tablet. With ICS a month (or less possibly) or so away.

I don't recall any YouTube videos, MSNBC or Daily Show appearances, blog articles, nor main stream media portrayals where Neil DeGrasse Tyson, one of the premiere idealogues of our time, has had to attack any positions put forth by any non-sensical, frankly hypocritical, statements pandering to a voter base by any