
Mike, what about Sigourney?... Seems a little odd that you would dismiss the only female lead/antagonist that was in ALL of the Alien Movies and kicked major ass in every single one of them... I don't know about you, but I'd much rather have Ripley in my corner than the two other jokers you mentioned. Lets not

Why the hells don't we have a Greatest Hits uncharted yet?!?...

@rip: Ok, here goes again...

Great commentary Owen. You totally stated what i was thinking as I read his posted quote.

i@Bisu: Ditto

What no DJ Bobo? And to think they call this a "karaoke game"... Singstar has like 6 of his tracks online too.

Now can we please get better Playstation Store integration and support? Pretty please, with sugar on top?

"The Oaks" as in Thousand Oaks mall?... I might have to check this out if it proves to be true...

But, still no Uncharted Platinum Budget Pricing?... :(

That actually looks really fucking cool. EA is really stepping up their game. I might have to pick me up a DS...

@Kadugen: Me too, except for me I curse the PS3, so I haven't even got a chance to play it yet! :( Maybe Valve will see it in there heart to release it on the PS3 soon?...

Damn, I wish I gamed on a PC. That's so fucking cool...

@EloraHRanma: All great stuff guys and gals, I've just given up. I encoded the video's all the same way (using Handbrake on my Mac in a format supported by the PS3... I just started the process of backing up my whole DVD collection so I could carry some movies around on my new 16GB microSDHC on my ppc and figured it

I just upgraded my PS3 hard drive to 500 gigs and am now trying to transfer my itunes generated playlist so I don't have to manually put my 5000 or so songs on the PS3's hdd into playlist, only I don't think it's possible... I also just started transferring over some movies using the same external drive I used for

@Ungruntled: You totally hit the nail on the head with your comment btw, but at least you HAVE xmas songs to download in (what I'm guessing to) be the UK... :(

About fucking time, thank you Microsoft for kicking Sony square enough in the pants that they're finally doing what they promised almost a year ago...

I'm not too sure why they would bother releasing it here, don't get me wrong, but it's not like it sold like gang busters out here... I personally loved the first one, however I couldn't help become extremely sad today while shopping at my local Target after noticing a ton of the first one in the PSP case at

Too bad for Xbox 360 owners. Now that music playing in the background on the other hand was quiet enjoyable, and a nice change up from the standard insert lame metal/scream-o music accompaniment included in these types of things! Who is the band? Anyone?...