@squish123: lol!
@squish123: lol!
The "Force Unleashed"? For realz?...
@ThisDudeRufus: LOL
I just had a party where I busted out the Rock Band 2 and Sing Star (the ladies, and everyone else in general to my surprise enjoyed the Sing Star more!...). I'm glad to hear that Harmonix is finally including some stuff for the ladies like this. This and the Dixie Chics stuff announced sounds great, and will…
Uno is awesome on the Xbox 360. I once had a issue with my Check Card while at the local Gamestop wating to make a purchase. Soooo while waiting on the phone with the bank I started playing it on the 360 kiosk they had in store, and found I had a hard time putting it down. It was pretty awesome! That same day I…
@kingdong6:Thank you for saying what so many of us were obviously thinking!..
@ChalkdustTorture: Nah man. Lips looks awesome (kudos to Microsoft!), even more so if you figure in the WIRELESS mics included with the game and the ability to connect a MP3 player... Sony's Singstar on the other hand doesn't have them yet after over a year on the market on Sony's next gen hardware.... Seriously,…
Sony, where the hell are my wireless mics?!?.....
Without a doubt the Sega Saturn! When I was enlisted in the Army years ago, I had one that everyone in my squad and I would play 6 player Saturn Bomber-man on. That thing was dropped so many times, and was exposed to so much Sea air, and yet still kept ticking! That thing was bad ass!
You mean there'll Wii Peruvian Pan flute bands playing major malls of America This November?... Ok, I need someones $100. How would you like to double that $100?
Wait, what? Buffet was a test?... A lot of his songs are karaoke standard! Whatever the case, if this means we get some new stuff, or stuff a little off of the worn path then I'm all for it! Now if we could only get some different genres, or non mainstream alternative and indie music!
@Spidery_Yoda: No, it's not you, I looked them over too and they aren't that funny...
Yeah, and hopefully unlike last time I'll actually be able to buy something... Amazons servers are ass...
Yeah, it took me about 2 weekends of hunting and calling about a month ago to track one down for my parents for the holidays. I didn't want to wait until November or December to try to find one for them. I also snagged my mom a Wii fit about a week later, which surprisingly was even harder to get because of the damn…
@DELICIOUS BUNNY: Me too, 'cept I already called Gamestop, and no dice... :(
@Komrade_Kayce: Yeah, I second that...
@Ambiguous Blob 2.0: Never mind... I looked at the auction, and like all of the other "hard cases" it's pretty much empty with just dividers separating the contents inside. Actually i think it's one of the 2 different brands that make those particular cases, just you know repainted...
Forget all of that other stuff, how the hell can I get my hands on a "Custom made full size Hardcase for the PS3 and Accessories"?... Does it have the form fitting foam inside to hold the console and controllers and stuff?.... I've looked all over the place for a hard case PS3 case that fits everything in it like…
Nice catch, too bad the deadline was September 8th...
FINALLY! I was so psyched when they first started to talk about all of the genres of music that would eventually make an appearance on Rock Band prior to it's release! What type of a time table are we talking about here?...