Mike Reade

Without that crew always hanging around the periphery you have a decent early-aughts CW romantic-comedy-drama that would have been completely forgotten.

That's a problem, because Matt's too sore…um… to play as well.

I think the secret is from the founding of Queens, Homme has always treated it as a rotating collaborative. He has a knack for adjusting his style just enough to bring out the strengths in whoever he happens to be collaborating with. His range is incredible.

That's assumed — Prof. Saul Bergenstein is A Gay from San Francisco, New York City so the viewer instantly knows he has The Lesbian Sex at ACLU meetings in front of small children and dogs. Subtlety is a key part of the message here.

Tutti Frutti?

On the first day of class he asks The Troops to raise their hands. When they do he calls them baby killer murderers and then performs an abortion in front of the class while reciting the Koran.

Fred Thompson: dead. God: STILL NOT DEAD.

The first film script in history that was entirely crowdsourced from your Evangelical cousin's Facebook memes.

Nic Cage is waiting eagerly by his phone to get the call for the "Not Dead: JEHOVAH" reboot.

God is not dead…FUCK YEAH!

More like Robin Thicke SKULL, amirite???

On weed?

Maybe a chest bump?

*Scrolls down furiously looking for Detroit date*

Bow bow….BUH DUH DUH…bow bow….BUH DUH DUH…

Uhhh guys? The new song is pretty great. Let's not meh this up like we did with TCV, OK? Thank you.

In retrospect, yes. They were hamstrung at the time by overwhelming expectations that no one could live up to. But in hindsight, it's a great fuckin' record. Very tight with almost no filler.

Yeah, it was creepy. She was also a 25-year old kid. Could have just been immaturity.

Yes. The most compelling reason to watch a show like this is to enter the chilling alternate universe, which is impeccable constructed. And American Nazi Officer Man scares the FUCK out of me.

Ahahah…What a story, Matt Wayt.