Mike Reade

Correct. Presidential libraries exist as a primary document repository for former presidents and serve as facility for historical researchers. They do not advocate for any political position related to politics. They're pretty fascinating places and I highly recommend visiting any of them.

I didn't choke up at the end at all. Nope. Not a bit.

This one weird trick gets unheard Nirvana tracks released!

Jack Chick has to be the inspiration for cartoonist "Kelly" at the Onion, no?

Holy Jesus. Every Raymond Pettibon drawing makes sense now.

Hey…..ya, ya…..got any gum??

Hey, ya….ya…..got any gum?

Jesus, someone's cranky. While Ball Hog or Tugboat won't go on any Top 100 albums of the 90s compilation, at the very least it was fun to hear alternative nation pay tribute to one of their forefathers. And Big Train was fun as hell.

Are you kidding me? It's Frank Stallone.

I grew up in Metro Detroit. The community college I attended had a bathroom stall which featured the graffiti "Tim Allen Sold Coke Here." All 90s Kids will Remember This.

*Deadpan look into the camera*

*Thinks about this for a moment….immediately goes back to The Room quotes…*

Some Gave All.

James Franco is playing Tommy Lee? I'm so confused.

Craig Kilborn's Daily Show was very funny and should not serve as a footnote to how horrible the show was before Stewart took it over. Yes, it was shallow but it wasn't meant to be hard hitting. It had excellent writers and Kilborn had great delivery. It deserves more than the scorn heaped on it every time someone

Did he crouch down and do the 90s white boy hand motions?

Sweet Jesus, I can't believe that 311 video is real.

God, when I was a kid growing up in the 80s and 90s I used to study MAD like it was the Torah. Jack's illustrations clearly stood out.

Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World is a gem. Classic Brooks.

I'm so confused. Where's Tony Iommi?