Mike Reade

How the fuck are you going to leave off My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss? They shot paintballs at contestants wearing business suits!

He talks extensively in the DVD commentary about how he got dicked around by the studio. He's still (understandably) extremely bitter over it. That's why, thankfully, he would not budge on anything with Boogie Nights.


I enjoy Hard Eight almost as much as the work of Warren F#cking Oates.

Incredible acting performances throughout this movie. You can tell PTA had every single one of the actors in mind for their roles, especially Samuel L. Also, this is where the John C. Reilly we know and love came to be.

Everything that informs his subsequent films is there. Everything. I think it's second only to Boogie Nights in terms of sheer re-watchability.

Just for you, old timer!

Don't forget the king of the asshole psychopaths. The man with cannon of an arm, the mind of a fucking scientist and a cock the size of a python, Kenny Powers.

I thought the movie was painfully disjointed overall. They had to check every box of what happened on the periphery that it became comical. I think my favorite was Cube typing away at a laptop and then laughing to himself when he says "You got knocked the fuck out!" Just in case the audience doesn't get the obvious

Yep. Dre has to be one of the savviest marketers in the history of the biz. Not only did he get his hagiography, he got the film's marketing to position it as a raw, gritty piece of film realism. I was seriously disappointed by the final product. Sounds like the original script was FAR more interesting.

Yep. As I mentioned above, it goes to show how radically the country really did change in just a few years.

Terry trying to drag race while in reverse will forever be one of the funniest scenes on film for me.

I think what's most interesting is that the movie was set 10 years prior to when it was filmed, yet (OBVIOUSLY) has a deep nostalgic tone to it. I can't imagine anyone being able to pull that off with a movie set in 2005. While it's trite to point out, it really is amazing how much the culture had changed by 1970.

Uh, a bottle of Old Harper.

It was a foot long coney dog. GET IT RIGHT, MAN.

My five year old son started sobbing….SOBBING…at the exact point of the movie in the photo above. I had a big lump in my throat but couldn't believe how it resonated with him too. It is by far the best written and performed Pixar movie.

"Look! They're making fun of you on the comedy show!"

I saw them at the first (I think?) Vans Warped Tour in 96. I had a very similar experience where you WANTED to really like them because they were genuinely connecting with the audience, but the songs stunk. "Can't Wait" was a notable exception — that tune bounced!

You and I were on the same quest. Sick of it All was sooooo bad.

Maybe just a chorus or two?