Mike Reade

The kids of today should defend themselves against the 90s.

Replace "70s" with "90s" in "Against the 70s" and the song still rings true. During 1995 week.

Henry Rollins making a cameo in a Keanu Reeves vehicle about the Internet is possibly the most 1995 thing that happened in 1995. The only think that could have made it more 1995 is if they were having coffee at Borders.

A truly underrated gem. This was the album that introduced me to the Minutemen. I bought it at the same time I started my first summer job washing dishes and would listen to it on the way to work every morning. Ironically, D Boon's working class politics flew completely over my head.

For reals. The outro of Nobody Loves Me And Neither Do I is greater than the collective output of the Foos. And that's not a knock against the Foos.

Well put. I don't know why anyone who has watched the jaw-dropping performances in How the West Was Won would want to see a Zep reunion. What those performances reveal is that Bonzo was the most essential member of the band, and any attempt to recapture that would be extremely lukewarm.

*slow clap*

Rollins needs to Rise Above the ignorance and realize that people with Depression inherently have a Low Self Opinion. Lecturing them will only cause a Nervous Breakdown and drive those with Depression to self-medicate with a Six Pack. Rollins might want to drink some Black Coffee and ruminate on why he would

The story of why Michael McDonald was shut out of the session is far more interesting: