damn Ron Paul is out here now
damn Ron Paul is out here now
This fuckers name is Geep Chryst. Of course they're being cheap.
this is a weak take. Prisco is disappointed.
This strain is great yet ultimately disappointing. I want a road grader.
can't say I have a problem with this
Rick Santorum approves
Very confused. Im uh trying to watch some basketball highlights here.
I guess Atlanta didn't want him????
gotta buy someone's pee.
Boston area residents admit that they're racist. Shocking.
this is the zenith of comedy
"Hello? Hey, I'm good you?"
Looks like someone hasn't been paying attention to anything. He's already one of the best Nordic running backs ever, up there with Oj Simpson who was Finnish.
Investigators also noted he had access to all 22 film of the Jets-Chargers game.
How do you think this will affect both teams? Not considering the Knicks because well, they suck.
"I'm going to kill you and your family"
That is a man with grit, nothing will stop him from playing the game he loves. He's definitely a lunch pail shit in pants type of guy.
You should like recommend some stuff to watch on Netflix