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You’re really going to use Voyager as an example of a show that doesn’t forget its premise? Come on, how many shuttlecraft did they go through again?

It wasn’t just the opening sequence for me but otherwise: yes, the whole plot line of the baseball was the only part of the book I enjoyed. The rest (as I recall) was the occasional odd interlude with historical figures (Lenny Bruce and JE Hoover?) and a bunch of middle-aged male navel gazing. I’m a middle-aged man, I

I read The Road and that was enough for me. Love me some Viggo, but no thanks.

Except for the small issue of the active volcano which killed a bunch of people last year, it’s a lovely place!

Definitely got some Severus Snape vibes going here.

Just watched this a couple of weeks ago, along with Strangelove. Very surprised they followed through with the dark ending, but I guess folks were scared back then. Fonda and Hagman were both fantastic; I’m surprised the film was completely ignored by the Academy.

Jesus dude, take your pills.

Didn’t they already own it by then? Or were they just distributors? I distinctly remember making fun of some Kellogg’s • Disney • Pixar • Finding Nemo Fruit Snacks. Just this ridiculous big stack of logos and trademark signs.

Actually it was a reference to this guy:

No accents? That seems unreasonable, especially for a state with such a large Spanish-speaking population. I would hope this name gets rejected for numerous other reasons though.

Ruffalo also has Spotlight; I agree he and Johansson have the best non-Marvel careers. Evans was also in Snowpiercer but while the movie itself made an impact I thought his role was pretty replaceable.

Two of my favourites from The Simpsons:

Fair use is also a thing.

I didn’t watch the show religiously or anything, but she and Joshua Jackson caught my eye far more than the two leads.

No, the garlic is inside the mixing bowls, which are held together top-to-top. Obviously if you’re peeling 2 cloves of garlic there’s no point. But if you have to peel like a dozen of them, it’s way faster. Personally, I use a mason jar the same way because I don’t have metal bowls.

Ah, remember the shitstorm that ensued when they told us we wouldn’t be allowed to just make up usernames for every post?

Is it abdication if he’s never crowned? Technically, I suppose it would be. And I’m assuming he’s not desperate to be king, which he may well be. Who knows what these people’s private minds are thinking?

That would prove unpopular, given the expense involved with a coronation ceremony. Given all the security and whatnot, it will easily get into 9 figures. Fiscally speaking the monarchy is a net positive to the UK, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a coronation ceremony tips the balance for at least a year or two into the