Their's a there right they're. Are you blind man?
Their's a there right they're. Are you blind man?
So somebody's going to taker over the .com and redirect it to right?
Ok, I had read otherwise. I'm certainly not going to check for myself!…
A .ru site is not "the darknet," sorry.
Voldemort raised his wang again and whirled it through the air. A streak of what looked like molten silver hung shining in the wang's wake.
Meh, I think the homemade signs aren't going anywhere.
I bought $100 billion on ebay. My wife and I are still waiting for the right moment to do the Dr. Evil/Number 2 routine on my son to get him to do chores.
We don't even have pennies any more.
54 minutes…
Had to mention the Dissolve didn't you? "Oh, I see that scar is almost gone. Let me just…"
Jackie Brown is
I went into the theatre expecting a straight scifi movie. Scared the shit out of me!
…on a list that includes a guy nailing his dick to a board?
Use angle brackets instead of square brackets.
TBH I would have thought this movie was "problematic," given the way Murray's character manipulates MacDowell's into a romantic relationship.
[Wookipedia citation needed]
I was born in 1974; I saw the third one in the cinema and the first one somewhere along the way, but hadn't seen ESB until the re-release in 1997. I recall being underwhelmed, but I've always been more of a Star Trek fan. I still haven't seen the last of the prequels, but I hear it's coarse and irritating. Not like…
Did I pass?
One small comfort, thanks.