"But the glaring ingredient missing from both those previous versions is instructions on how to actually make bacon pancakes."
"But the glaring ingredient missing from both those previous versions is instructions on how to actually make bacon pancakes."
Did you seriously just class those Pink Panther remakes as "not objectionable?"
I gotta say though, this is my biggest internet commenter pet peeve.
You mention Wreck-It Ralph and then say that video game movies are uniformly terrible in the next sentence? Or does it not count because it's a fictional video game?
One of ours is from Father Ted. Mrs. Doyle is offering Ted some cake and he declines. "Are you sure, Father? There's cocaine in it! … Oh, no, not cocaine. God, what am I on about? No, what d'you call them. Raisins."
I know, right? FTA:
What's scary is to click on the link in the article that goes to a map, and zoom out. Every one of those "islands" are the result of someone deciding that paying $300/month for this was a good idea. Scarier is that they still are…
I'm five hours late, but I'm just going to put this here anyway. Katherine Parkinson.
I hear they were pioneers of the UK hip-hop movement.
Practical effects for some, tiny American flags for others!
"Infinite Jest meant as much to me as any book I had read at that
point. It’s still one of my favorite books, and his writing has meant as
much to me as just about any writer that’s alive."
I always thought it was a made-up restaurant. The only place I've ever heard the name before now was in Infinite Jest.
Yes! I couldn't put my finger on why though. Just slippery words. And I just watched the movie 3 days ago!
It's great when you have kids that do literally that very thing.
Go for it! If you make it past the ebonics, you're all set.
My sister in law just introduced "sharted" to my son's vocabulary last week. I miss Hoffman, even in lame Ben Stiller movies.
"People with discerning taste" is what hipsters like to think of themselves as.
My dream job used to be projectionist. But by the time I graduated from high school it was all multiplexes, and fifteen years after that it was all gone.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pizza delivery "pretty much didn't exist" in 1975? WTF? Sure, maybe massive multinational chains based almost solely on delivery didn't exist. But I can assure you my father was delivering pizza in the 1960s.