De-TEC-tive Munch…
De-TEC-tive Munch…
alurin, try the advanced search, where you can filter by date and group.
One other
Fiona Apple, Extraordinary Machine. There's a reasonable-quality bootleg of this album produced by Jon Brion from 2002-2003. Wasn't released and a much different version of the album, produced by Mike Elizondo, came out in 2006.
Maybe we're Canadian and Netflix is a heaping pile of crap.
"one of Brent Spiner's best performances as Data"
So what you mean to say is there's no point to Netflix if you have a shitty ISP. Same deal in the USA I'd guess.
Or maybe it was this one.…
Picard's art
I'm not sure if it's from this episode but I'm pretty sure it is. And if it is, I'm really disappointed that nobody else mentioned it.
I think it was the Oceanic wreckage, just reminding us where the show started.
@Stuff N Fluff "Lingering question, Desmond. Could he see through 3 realities, ie, Island, Alternaverse, and the Next Life? … He said he saw the AlternaVerse and wanted to get there and bring Jack. Was he unknowingly saying he wanted to die and to kill Jack…."
We don't hear much about "the Island" as a separate entity any more. I think it's responsible for a lot of the apparitions that have appeared (including Jacob's real mom) and hopefully it will have a role in the finale.
9. To paraphrase Ben, "It's a METAPHOR, neuroticmonkey."
The whole plot reeks of Rodenberry; the guy was a hack. Star Trek never got really good until he was out of the picture. Of course then it got bad again, but that was after I stopped watching.
Locke hasn't talked to Frank. Lapidus is going to save the day I tell you.
I bet it was this guy.
Ben wasn't on the airplane, I think the Desmonds aren't totally aware of each other so probably he doesn't know who Ben is.
They haven't said yet if Sun can speak English or not in the altverse, have they? And did Jin look in a mirror?
Apparently they explained the numbers online somewhere. Those of us who just watch the show are out of luck.
And yes, one of the videos they found claimed that they had to start pushing the button to prevent energy buildup after the drilling "incident" that happened at end of last season.
Widmore will be the guy leaving the filters in the coffee machine.
I thought we were going under the assumption that Locke was responsible for Sayid's resurrection. According to what Miles said, Dogen and Lennon had a good idea what brought Sayid back to life. So why would he expect Locke to kill Sayid ?