Jellison Bridge

My mid-90s boy band:

I have no problem noting when another man is a good-looking, but the only man I’ve ever squinted at questioningly was Paul Newman. You ever see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof? He was prettier than Elizabeth Taylor, by some distance.

I feel like I can’t compete with the writer’s story, but for me it was a period/virus combo. I had clots the size of guinea pigs dropping out of my vagina as I sat shaking on the toilet shitting my brains out while throwing up into a trashcan.

I am disappointed about the lack of references to ultimate cigar bro Bill Clinton in this post.

Reminds me of our neighborhood roller skating rink’s skate car! I have no idea who designed it.

Wow, you got them all right, in the correct order, the first time! Deadspin writers always fail at that.

I am the liquor.

I just got here, so welcome to Deadspin from the west coast commenter affiliates.

Fair enough. I’m also not going to pretend “You Gotta Be” isn’t my jam.

needs more Sade

Because they're highly visible symbols that fans take very seriously. How is this so offensive to you?

Only, and ONLY, if you use Paddle Controller.

I also like that the kit raises awareness of Atari’s Super Breakout.

a sex nap

I’m not sure what kind of bomb it was tbh but I bet it was fucking scary

I thought so too, but then those iconic outfits and colour choices were specifically designed by Disney. So I guess it’s like taking Disneyfied characters and re-authenticating them somewhat. Love that Alice and Peter and Wendy are actually shown as little kids. Making Alice a grown-up always creeps me out slightly.

Do you really want to know?

You know that you edited your comment adding the hotel info after I posted mine and now everyone is basically calling me a dumbass b/c I appear to ask a question that you appeared to previously answer? Thanks. Nothing like being called stupid on Thanksgiving.

You don't read so well, do you?