Jellison Bridge

de rigeur

what brand is that? I’m buying one

How young do you have to be to consider chicken tenders ‘classic’

Have you thought about doing something like Nice Price or Crack Pipe but for clothes?

I don’t know what this person was going for but it might as well have been all cg. Because that’s what it looks and feels like.

I have an industrial steamer because of my job killing bed bugs.

Most of those who write about this stuff put the transition from gen-x to millennial right around 1979-1981. I and a lot of other people born then aren’t really one or the other but a lot of both.

Oh honey. No gen-Xers were listening the Backstreet Boys in 1996.

Rudy talked at my college. I didn’t go but my roommates were athletes and had to go.

I am here to represent the Friday Whale & Otter caucus. Who’s with me?

Jesus, Lahey, you gotta learn to pace yourself.

OMG! I bet they didn’t even think to check that. You should call them.

Here in Denver we don’t really have public transportation. More like a token gesture toward the idea of public transportation.

Some long-since-left-college old Bro just lost his job and was extremely shocked because ‘this is the way it’s always been done’

2002 called and it wants its lower case ‘i’ back

8 1/2 directed by John Woo

Is he wrong?

Even when raw milk was commonly available, people still boiled it first.

Pete is your scotch man. Usually has J&B in the office. Also likes to order Dewar’s on the rocks.

Pete Campbell likes scotch. His office liquor is J&B and he orders a Dewar’s on the rocks a couple times.