
The Fizzy fight and the mission where you have to chase the train are some of the best missions in gaming I've come across in a while.

Trying to summarize the "honest rawness" of the situation.

Easily the best QTE to ever grace a video game.

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this video seems to be appropriate for this article

No Bad Company 3? Booo

This is the future when the world has to deal with the consequences of Zack Morris using his time out ability without any consideration of the repercussions

As for who doesn't make the cut, Sakurai noted, "Characters from a series that has no future are rarely chosen. Also, fighters that switch models are a different matter."

November 21. That's the friday before Thanksgiving... I have the whole week of Thanksgiving off work for vacation and holiday... My god. I have ten whole days to play Smash.

As a huge MGS fan, i disagree. I don't like how they treated Paz, i don't like how short the title is, and i don't like how it feels like an extremely stripped down version of MGSV: The Phantom Pain. It lacks the base building, soldier recruitment, gadget development/upgrade system, weapon development/upgrade system,

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...including an augmented spec ops soldier who realizes he's the bad guy?


HOURS after Jim Sterling rambled in his weakly Jimquisition about Steam allowing too much shit on its store, they make it more customizable to hide some of it ... he might be the chosen one.

That's quite ironic considering it's the west that made Demon's Souls and Dark Souls the runaway hits they are today. The Japanese have never had the best understanding of what the US or Europe wants.

The delay for AC is understandable. There'll be women in the movie, and they take longer to render.

A year from now, when we're riding Thor around San Andreas on magical pegasus who may or may not be Rainbow Dash, we'll have forgotten all about this.

I've lived in Japan a while and came at the Xbox 360 in 2009 blind to its struggles, having not gamed on anything since about 2000. After a year I switched to the PS3 to experience its offerings, also blind to its struggles. To me, the shortcomings of the 360 are ongoing and stand in stark contrast to the early

"I have an iPhone case like this!"

this is a cool guy. good read.

My favorite part: "Do E3 awards = sales? Randy puts forth Epic Mickey example."

Exactly. I am a twitch streamer, and this happens frequently in my chat. Someone comes in chat with something like "Hey guys I really need some viewers and followers, please come to my channel!" Its super ignorant and who would really leave to go to someone thats acting so desperate?

Whats even worse then that is that