People, please do not fall for this obvious troll and respond in any manner other than something like my own identifying it for what it is.
People, please do not fall for this obvious troll and respond in any manner other than something like my own identifying it for what it is.
Technically, since you bought the season pass, the comrades DLC was not free :)
Because you get to see other people and how they play. You get to watch somebody trying to be an entertainer as opposed to you simply watching gameplay. You’re there because there is a community who shares your interest to talk to and form relationships that way. It’s similar to how any forum or even this website…
Which is correct in that it’s cheap and easy to use a blind trust relationship between the console and the network server. Many devs simply assume that data will not be altered or new data sent in it’s place back to the server and they do very little validation...and in some cases none at all. They simply trust the…
What are you talking about? First off, I literally own every console ever worth owning from the 8bit era all the way up to XB1X Scorpio that released last week. I don’t think I have anything against consoles considering that information.
Most likely it’s the type of person who likes to feel important. I’d wager he did work at EA and possibly still does but not for EA directly. It’s probably a contract job as the two fields covered in the story was data entry and QA...many of those positions are just contract. This would also jive with why Jason…
A couple of people have responded who don’t seem to know what issues console games have where network information coming from the console, which can easily be intercepted and modified, can then be sent off. And the whole system is setup to simply trust the client in regards to player position, where they are shooting,…
You can do all of this much easier on console if you have the equipment. Most of the consoles have very little protection when it comes to protecting data that a person can intercept and manipulate. Most console games have a “trust” where anything sent from the console is simply trusted as the truth. Which quite a few…
Modern Warfare did ban a ton of people with false positives so a lot of legit players have that on their profile. It’s kind of a famous case you can look up as it was never cleared up by the devs. So I mostly ignore that ban. Anything else though, yeah...most definitely.
I see what you did there :)
Haha, I know they were just poking fun at the whole situation. But it’s a solid change and that new icon is actually quite fantastic.
You did not understand what I said before commenting or your first comment would have addressed it and talked about it. You are now backpedaling to save face on the internet.
Sometimes it is about branding. Your real name might not be a big draw. Especially in the early goings. But if you have a handle that resonates with people and also with people willing to sponsor you, then there is a bigger chance of getting said endorsements and sponsorships. This works in regular sports as many…
Welcome to the world of McCree. Launch McCree and later would get back 50% of his ult if he pressed the button and let it go but self-canceled. It would also tick down slower so if you were interrupted you’d still be able to use it pretty quickly going forward. However, Blizzard nerfed that and made it drain so fast…
Considering the game didn’t sell well at all and virtually nobody I’ve talked to knew about it (despite all knowing the previous game) I find that incredibly hard to believe. Is it anecdotal? A bit. But there is education behind the conclusion and actual numbers to back it up due to a lack of sales. Which isn’t fully…
If I had his wealth I would totally do something like this if it was something I loved. Virtually all of us could make a home movie if we wanted...but he gets to have some legit stars in his and some money thrown into the production. So I’m down with this. I doubt too many people would pass up on that opportunity for…
Do you understand what pay to win is? And do you understand that the requirements to get items and the time required has already been posted? And, from virtually anybodies viewpoint who knows about such things, BF2 is completely and utterly pay to win. If I buy $100 worth of crates I have an immediate advantage over…
When you research and employ extreme psychological methods in order to try and squeeze out more money, the type of thing that goes behind making a funny and appealing commercial, but is actually crafted to go after certain types of people...that’s one way it becomes a moral issue. Some of the smaller and overpriced…
Exept your response and the others never even acknowledged what I said. It never had anything to do with me. Yet yourself and the others identified me not knowing about the game as being on me as if I was complaining that I should have known about the game. I know I missed it. I said I missed it. Which means if I…
People who insist on identifying as a console gamer or a pc gamer as if they are sports team are the worst. The OP’s comment was snide but your response is worse.