
Yeah, I thought that was an odd statement too. Granted, Patrick did talk about how the first 30 minutes made it, in his mind, those things but it’s still an odd statement to make since a game should be viewed beyond the beginning. Many games had amazing openings only to end up sucking overall. In fact, some of the

Yup, making a lot of not really innovative electronic products in an extremely crowded market isn’t working out too well for them. They used to have the market cornered on at least the high end but everyone has gotten into that game and some have done it better than Sony. They either need to stick with it and let the

It’s High Voltage who also did the extremely terrible ports of MK9 an Injustice. MK9 was literally broke for the last few years and Injustice was broke for about a year before HV finally issued patches for both that fixed some of the online issues and graphic card compatibility issues and other bugs. However, both

A friend who lives next to me did a speed test for his Google Fiber he just got yesterday live on stream last night and it was 930Mbps down and 960Mbps up. I now have slow internet and I only get 115Mbps down and 6Mbps up. And we both pay $60. Poor me :(

I accept your apology entirely because John Oliver is literally one of the best men in America despite not being from here. That man has no fear, is hilarious and is easily one of the most informative people on television. So, yeah, thanks for that :)

Valve doesn’t have investors. It’s a private company so it does what it wants. Including making Scrooge McDuck gold vaults for Gabe to dive into (they also fixed that whole dying part when diving into something like that somehow as well).

Except that the first arm that came off didn’t have much to do with excessive force. It just sort of fell off for no reason.

Yeah I watched the 3rd video, the trailer, after I had posted and saw that.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s awful. But limbs just sort of coming off for no reason? That was pretty lame. And it would have been nice to see something done with the machete. But, everyone has at least two Fatalities in the main cast so hopefully his second one uses the machete.

Yeah, Director’s Cut only re-release. I think you had to buy a new copy on consoles and on PC you just had to pay a few bucks to update to the DC version.

For that you would need a GoPro to accurately depict what a casual player does while playing SF4. You’d mostly just see their head going up and down while slamming into their fightstick or possibly just the table if they are a pad player.

You do tend to see a character that does pretty much nothing but kicks use the kick button pretty often :) If you “spam” anything in competitive street fighter you get punished hard for it. There really isn’t anything you can call spam in SF4 and become even average (well, maybe blanka electricity/random up

Those phones look nothing alike. Go look at them side by side (either via google images or in a store). Unless you’re being sarcastic and referencing the old lawsuit which also didn’t make a whole lot of sense either.

Dying Light, despite it’s rather dumb story, is what Dead Island should have been. It’s the same concept but it was given a lot of love in the gameplay department that just makes it a lot better. Dead Island...I just don’t know what they were thinking when they designed the gameplay.

I think your comment might be a decade late. That hasn’t been the viewpoint of the general public in regards to games for quite some time.

DE:HR is actually the game that got me back into single player games. As a kid who owned a NES on up through the PS1 I was obviously into single player games. Then I got a computer and the world of online game opened up to me (mostly Quake 3 though) and I never really touched anything that wasn’t multiplayer for a

They have not only been discussed to death but they were changed quite a while back to be more open to how the player wants to play. As in no longer an issue not worth bringing up outside of a “did you know” factoid.

I have played through JC2. This just looks even more bonkers.

This game is basically GTA meets Nathan Drake but crazier in Rico Rodriguez as directed by Michael Bay. I don’t know if it will be any good overall but it sure looks like it might at least be a fun ride.

I would be completely fine with it as long as there was some policing in regards to the content, the pricing and the credit given. I’d also like to see the content creator get at least 50% or more of the money. Everything about this was handled so poorly that, as the article points out, they either didn’t understand