
Well, you can broadcast so that means, technically, you are recording to a temp file that is then uploading to the Steam servers that then broadcast to people. But nothing that records a local file to your PC. I do agree that they should just go ahead and do that.

The one thing I like about the new movies is the emphasis put on Bumblebee. He's sort of a dark horse yet logical choice for a potential leader in the future. Somebody who is immature and needs to overcome those maturity issues in order to become something more. Similar to what Rodimus was in the '86 movie. Sadly,

That is a really odd thing to say considering no news site reported on the character with any kind of outrage whatsoever US, European or otherwise. Where are all the outraged news outlets that are strictly NA based that you believe exist? There are none. All of these comments were made from people on multiple news

He addressed this in his qualifications above and gave Diablo 3 as an example. Finishing means seeing the story come to an end and the credits rolling basically. You can finish D3 but not have done even close to everything that is in the game since they are essentially designed to never be finished.

Broken Age

People who post from all over the world with stupid ideas or trolls = "dumb americans" and attribute everything you find negative to them in a broad generalization. Which, ironically, is a pretty dumb thing to do. You are ignorant and biased and hateful for...what reason? Because it's a cool thing you see people do

Why would we? It's a stereotypical ME guy who would blend in pretty well with a game that has a bunch of other world stereotypes. Also, Harada was trolling NeoGaf. If you don't understand this then I'm sorry for you. Also, one forum board with a few guys discussing a characters design (which is pretty generic even

That was a troll by Harada. The entire world that reacted poorly. Japan, SE Asia in general, Europe and the Americas. NA simply made the most noise due to fanbase density and because it would make the biggest headline (and idiots would pass it along).

I think his point is that it's funny that the game is designed entirely, first, to manipulate certain personality types (which is worse in Destiny than say, WoW) to stick with the game while under-delivering on pretty much everything they promised with the initial experience only to "fix" it with later paid addons.

He used one map to exemplify a problem with tons of games. Some of which don't have filters. And even with filters this also is mostly showing just how chock-full a lot of Ubisoft games are with utter padding that is their version of MMO fetch quests (with some of them being literal fetch quests). It's less

For many PSN was down for multiple days after XBL came back up and after all attacks stopped. I do find it strange that XBL isn't mentioned because the amount of time down doesn't change that both were attacked and were down though.

Why does the crime have to be of the same caliber to have the same punishment? This isn't an eye for an eye society we all live in regardless of where you live. There is a ceiling on punishment and in many places that ceiling is quite low. So yes, somebody who attacked a bunch of companies and caused tens of

Primordia is another dystopian setting that just oozes with atmosphere. Sadly with it being a rather under the radar P&C game not that many have gotten to experience it. The short graphic story that you can read along with it is also pretty amazing.

I know you probably understand this Jason but here is what I tell people who want to know what the difference is.

If your router that controls your network is barraged by gigabyters per second of bad data and a little bit of good data then there is no easy way for the bad data to be quickly picked out. You have to slowly (by computer standards) go through the data, sift out what is known good and pass it on...but you probably

Yeah, that doesn't make any kind of sense at all. I'm not doubting the videos accuracy but the reasoning behind the people who would have came up with that kind of law which removes old works of art from being shown.

Hey, horses are awesome. But a Ferrari gives you far from "nothing".

The issue with that mentality is it doesn't send a PR signal to the people who are making those games. Sure, you and I won't download it or spend money on it but they don't care about us. EA and others are literally preying on people with addiction problems so that they can turn an easy profit on something that took

I came here to make the same comment which was, "It's funny how CoD has evolved back into UT/Quake low grav instagib :)"

It's funny how CoD has evolved back into UT/Quake low grav instagib :)