
That is between 11,200 and 11,400 DPI more than anybody ever needs. DPI is one of the biggest scams in gaming mice sadly. Luckily a few of them have other features that makes them work just peachy keen though.

That is between 11,200 and 11,400 DPI more than anybody ever needs. DPI is one of the biggest scams in gaming mice

That's a pretty common trope among anime though. It's not only a way for a show director to express, visually, what a character is going through internally (think of it as a kind of metaphor), is a way to add in a bit of comic relief in some cases, but it's also a cost saving measure and fixes episode length issues.

Other companies are dropping their sponsorships as well. Companies exist to make money, yes. But not all of them exist to make money off of a situation like this. If not for benevolent reasons but for the negative PR that would cancel out the gains of their sponsorship deal. FIFA, right now, is under A LOT of

Given the context in which you wrote it it's easily viewed as you talking about forcing people into moving to a console. Especially given that you don't go to a console to make the changes. You bring up the launch options in Steam. Also, you blamed Valve for intros that they didn't create or force on people but

I get that you are being sarcastic but it's being aimed at the wrong place. First, Valve didn't put the intros there. In fact what they did do was put in the ability to add -skipintro which isn't something the game would normally have. This is Valve helping it's customers out while not stepping all over

I too thought that was awesome even if my mind knows it's really dumb!

Haha, nice Buzzfeed-style headline Brian :) I hope you aren't heading down that dark road too.

Yeah, I dislike it too but that was their exact intent. IIRC, it was something along the lines of, "fostering a direct conversation with a person as opposed to adding more bits into an overall chain that will not be read". Or, if looked at in a cynical sense and a marketing point of view, they wanted to create a

You obviously didn't play GTAIV when it was released for the PC. Hell, it's still a pretty broken game. But you can get around a lot of it with mods. Also, GTA5 had a lot of issues with online at launch among other issues that have since been fixed. Sure, Rockstar is doing a better developer than, say, From

I'm not sure you replied to the right person as I have obviously played MGR:R :) And I played it on PC too. It can be found quite cheap and will run well even on a toaster.

There are two ways to get the Vita working with remote the same way that the WiiU gamepad works. One way will be pretty laggy (going through the remote) while the other uses a direct connection to the PS4 itself. Make sure you are directly connecting to the PS4 and not going through your local router as, for some

You can do that with a Vita and a PS4. It's incredibly handy for just such situations. However, it's a bit more costly than just owning a WiiU which I also use for just such situations. Hell, I was playing Smash last night laying in bed. It was fantastic :)

You'd skip one of the best (IMO of course) action games ever created in MGR:R? That game is a masterpiece in regards to gameplay, has some of the best boss fights this side of Bayonetta 2 and has one of the best soundtracks ever put into a videogame. You sir, are crazy even if I respect your right to your opinion

It could be supported. Sony has no issues with it being supported. But either the Driveclub devs would need to make a PS4 driver for it or the Logitech guys (and then get the Driveclub devs to include it in a patch). Sony is cool with older peripherals being supported but they simply won't write the driver for it.

You completely and aggressively disregard my reasons for not owning a system. Chastise myself and others in this thread for not owning it and question how much we love gaming. I post a picture of a TV with Smash on, a fairly common setup for any WiiU owner this weekend, and you extremely upset given the context in

You took what I said as a contest when, if you read what I typed and the explanations I gave, it was me simply showing you that I play games from my living room. You then turned it into a dick measuring contest while accusing me of being a kid (which you stated before my response as well). Now you're saying I

I don't want to buy a 3DS which I have explained in detail and I'm a kid for it? Also, this isn't a dick waving contest. So please, just grow up and stop being a total douchebag.

I at the last second decided to pick up a controller and adapter at a Best Buy where I had my game pre-ordered at. Now I am glad that I did not wait.

First off, you just correct my auto-correct error as your lead. Good job (especially when I used the word correctly above). Feel better?

After looking at your response to me and others I can only believe you're some weird off his rocker troll-type person. Telling people over and over to buy a game system or a second copy of a game they already own just to get a character that should simply be available isn't rational at all. Your situation allows you