Sounds good and that's pretty awesome of them. Thanks!
Sounds good and that's pretty awesome of them. Thanks!
I have no understanding or reading sales reports for both systems and games along with knowing the difference between a home console and a handheld and the types of demographic that enjoys them? Go be angry elsewhere.
None of what you said is based in reality at all. You might want to go look up some information before flying off the handle.
It's basically Doom 3 MP with CPMA physics and looks like Warsow.
What does, "free for the next 3 months" mean? Does that mean if you download her now you will get the character indefinitely or does it mean that you'll get to play as her for free for 3 months before you will need to buy her regardless of when you downloaded her?
What relevance does that have on anything said here? The whole conversation has been about a handheld device outselling consoles in general and then the person made the statement that only one console has been ill received. What does that have to do with what you just said at all?
The goat didn't win. The 'player'was the goat and the health bar of the other 'player' went down when the goat hit!
If Twitch streams were nothing but people putting their head down and playing the game and never saying anything they wouldn't ever be entertaining. If you want to see gameplay just go to YT rather than randomly bitching about it on a website.
I own a WiiU and am about to crap myself waiting on Bayonetta 2 to release. You sound like a fanboy who doesn't know anything about statistics, sales or common sense.
We are talking about current sales. Not past sales. Also, the WiiU has sold in pretty abysmal numbers there like it has everywhere else (I own one at least). I never acted like Japan doesn't like consoles. Twisting words isn't cool. It was a comparison statement and not a "this is good and this is bad" binary…
Nintendo 3DS mops the floor with everyone. Not the WiiU. Comparing a handheld system being sold to people who live in a heavily commute based society that has grown up around everyone else having portable devices to that of a home console just doesn't work. Even Nintendo's own home console is doing poorly in Japan.
Yeah, that's what sucked about The Darkness 2. Is it ended and it's obviously setup for a sequel that will never be made :( I think they thought it would do well but it was a sequel to a game that was exclusive to the not super popular (compared to the PS2) original Xbox. Combine that with a non-existent…
I won't concede because it's not a relevant statement any longer. It just isn't. All gains will be done through software engine optimization which is already very mature out of the gate due to the change in architecture and hardware optimizations seen in previous generations won't be as big of an impact as there…
Yeah, the aim assisted no scoping haha.
This game is Q3 CPM with the stake gun from Painkiller used in a rather ingenious way for movement. It's really nothing special sadly even if it's a blast from the past which you don't see in todays console/controller dominated shooter market.
I agree with this entirely. I was also a child of that time and I had Mario 2 and Zelda 2 and both were excellent games and still hold up today and back then nobody thought of them as such crazy departures from the established norm because there wasn't an established norm. Mario 2 only had Mario previously on the…
That's taking what he was saying entirely out of context. Not to mention that tweet was from 2011. If Carmack had direct access to the hardware without an OS, stock API's that aren't written for speed and the time to do it all without a worry for multiplatform development a console would be able to run approximately…
"i just think that the fact that the xbox one's hardware actually comes so close to (sub-$1000) enthusiast gpus is a more interesting headline " - zpox
But that's not going to be the case this generation. I've stated why. This is the first time that developing on a console has been ridiculously straightforward with all of the optimization tools built in to the actual dev kit and not tricky processes to work around. Properly utilizing the extra high speed RAM with…
You completely ignored what I wrote while also coming up with a "reason" why PC releases are staggered which isn't the case. Most multi-platform games hit at the same time. When they don't it tends to be related more to piracy reasons or less confidence in a platform as opposed to optimization.